Found Me

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It was late;
after everything that had happened, i think we all needed a good night's rest. 

Right now, Isaac and I were just rolling around and spending time together, having some actual time together for once. I guess it was this whole sudden dark turn that made me see things clearly. Plus, there was no telling when one of these "Oni" would snap and kill us all. They're supposedly looking for someone with a dark spirit attached to them, a nogitsune, but there's no telling what they're willing to do, who they're willing to hurt, to bring it out of hiding. 

Isaac was on top of me, kissing me one last time before rolling to the side of me, bringing me in close. I couldn't help but sigh in peace, wanting to cherish the moment of blessed relief we had before something ruined it. Isaac kissed me goodnight before falling off into a deep sleep, I could tell by the cute way he was snoring and the steady beat of his heart. 

I closed my eyes to rest, counting the seconds until I would retire to my dream estate and get some actual rest. I don't know why but I couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong, that something bad was happening. Maybe I was just crazy and needed some rest, hopefully i was just crazy. 

I had one foot in my dream estate, anxiously waiting until I could finally fall asleep until something brought me back. 

I groaned, turning my phone to see if vibrating on the dresser counter. I sighed, picking up my phone to see Stiles name and picture across the screen. I took a deep breath, kissing Isaac one last time before unwrapping myself from his arms so I could take the phone call. 

Why the hell was Stiles calling me so late? Could he not sleep again? 

I swiped the green button, putting the phone close to my ear as I let out an annoying sigh. "Stiles, it's three in the morning..Something better be wrong." I half laughed, expecting a sarcastic remark but I was only given some static noise. 

I walked downstairs, going to grab something to drink as I stared down at my phone confused. Maybe he butt dialed me or something? 

"Stiles, you there?" I asked, waiting for a reply. Soon the static was replaced with Stiles breathing, he was breathing heavy. He sounded.. nervous. He was really starting to freak me out now. "Stiles? Stiles, this isn't funny..You're scaring me now." 

I just heard more heavy breathing until I heard him crying slightly, he sounded like he was terrified. "Savannah..?" Stiles whispered, his voice breaking. 

I felt my heartbeat suddenly sky rocket. I placed my hand on heart, setting down my glass of water on the counter as I used one hand to cover my ear so I could focus on hearing. "Yeah, it's me. Stiles, I'm here. Are you okay? Can you hear me?" 

"Savannah, I don't-I don't know where I am...I don't know how I got here. I think I was sleep walking."

I felt myself start breathing heavy now. Oh my god, oh my god. This wasn't happening, this wasn't good. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down a bit. I needed to stay calm if I was going to get Stiles to stay calm. 

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