Fix You

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"And I will fix you.."

You know, there's this quote that I read during one of my many travels looking for my parents. It had stuck with me all these years and I've never thought about it more than I did today.

You never know how much something means to you until it's taken from you

I can't help but think of what would happen if something was to happen to Stiles. Luckily, we found him and he was safe. I'll never forget those two hours we spent looking for him, I'll never be able to shake the fear I had when I thought he was gone. I rememebr the moment of blessed relief when he was finally found and he was okay.

Stiles had been sleep walking, he had called me while he was sleep walking and found himself in the coyote den where that Malia girl lived while she was a coyotoe. Right now, Stiles was resting at the hospital, he was laying down in bed and I hadn't left his side yet.

Sure, I had moved on or whatever but that didn't mean my heart doesn't ache for him. It doesn't mean i'm not worried whenever something bad happens to him. I get so scared and nervous that something bad is going to happen to him. I care about Isaac so much and I think I might actually love him, I don't really know. I've only ever felt real love once and that was with Stiles. Isaac, he's good for me and I care about him a whole lot more than I thought I ever would but Stiles, he's my first love. Just because we arent together anymore doesn't mean I don't care what happens to him, because I do. I've only ever wanted him to live a long, happy human life.

I never wanted any of this for him, I never wanted him to ever feel the pain and darkness in his heart. He has a good heart, a good soul and he's a good person. He doesn;t deserve any of this.

If there's even the slightest chance we can help him, I don't care what it cost because I'll do it.

I was broken from my thoughts and sleep, I don't even remember dozing off, by Stiles. He stired in his sleep, grabbing my hand and squeezing it slightly. I let out a small gasp, looking all around me before looking over at Stiles. I let out a small smile, bitting my bottom lip while letting out a small sigh of relief.

"Hey.." I whispered to him, placing a kiss on his hand.

"Hey.." Stiles whispered back to me, a small smile on his face. I don't know if he'll ever know but his heartbeat was my favorite sound in the entire world. Because it let me know that my world hadn't ended. If something were to happen to Stiles, if I ever heard his heart stop beating, well...

I don't really like to think past that much.

"How you feeling..?" I asked him, making sure his blankets were wrapped around him good. He must be freezing still.

Stiles sighed, looking so unsually pale, well you know as apposed to his normal everyday paleness. "I'm fine..I don't remember much..I remember laying in my bed to fall asleep before.." Stiles started talking before he had this weird sudden blank look on his face.

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