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While Chris and Niall was in the room I walked down to the resection to find out exactly what the doctors told Chris or if he even talked to them. I don't trust what he said and you don't have a fucking smirk on your face if you tell someone that they have to stay at a hospital. 

But maybe he is going to meet someone else while Niall is gone. Think's not impossible. But I'm going to find out and I promise Chris won't be at this hospital for long! 

He will just say some word to Niall then leave. 

When I was in front of the resection there was nobody behind it. I was frustrated and when I am I can get a really bad idea. I bit my botton lip. After 10 minutes of waiting I was going around in circles. I hate to wait. I know that's a part of our lifes but I really hate it. 

Where are they? 

I saw a big box which were wide open, I know this is a really stupid idea but it could't hurt. Right? 

I sneaked behind the resection and saw a white doctor coat. I smiled and crawled my arms into the white coat. The name tag said "Dr. Winston" 

Hmm, I took off the name tag of the coat and tried to find a pencil and a little paper. When I finally found it I wrote down "Dr. Styles" on the paper. I put a safety pin to hold up the tag. It felt good, maybe I should be a doctor? It would be nice to help people and learn more about things. Maybe I'm prepared next time something happens- 

No they won't let me work here. 

I would stress too much and maybe even hurt people instead of save them. 

I walked up to the box and there was many files. I dragged the top of my finger over the files and tried to find "N". 

"Niall, Niall, Niall" I whispered fast while looking through all the files. 

"Bingo" I cheered while I whispered. I don't want anyone to find out that I'm not working here. I saw a toilet 2 metres away from me. I took a look around me to see if someone was around me or if someone could see me. But there wasn't 

So I went into the toilet and rest my bum on the toilet lid. I opened the file and began to read through it. I know this is wrong but I want to know and they've maybe wrote down the day Niall can leave. 

I stopped at one of the sentences. What? 

Why didn't I knew this? 

Why didn't he tell me? 



Vote for an dubble update :) 

It will might only be three more chapters before this fic is completed! 

Lots of love 


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