Goodbye Harry

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[short chapter I know]


Well I don't know if I want to leave them or not. Ofcourse not but maybe it's a chance for them both to come closer to each other to have some alone time, without me. I'm going to miss them a lot, and when I say a lot it's A LOT. I know it's just a week but they are my life. If I'm not with them, I'm nothing.

I checked my watch and got a little rush. I'm going to miss my fly if I'm not leaving in ten minutes.

"Niall?" I yelled and after a few seconds I heard footsteps came down the stairs and Niall was holding Aaron in his arms.

"I have to leave now" I said little stressed. I can't miss the fly. If I'm not in time in LA, my boss would be pretty angry.

Aaron was the first who hugged me tight. I kissed his forehead.
"don't leave" he wispered I could see in his eyes he was close to tears. No he can't if he start to cry I'll cry so I have to do my best to be strong in front of him.

"I have to, but I will be home soon. The time will rush away. Can you do something for me?"

He looked up into my eyes with curiosity what I was about to say.
"Promise me to look after your mom"
He nodded simply and I hugged him before I got up from my knees. I got eye contact with Niall and I can't explain how much I'm going to miss these beautiful ocean eyes. They are my favourites.

We just stood there for a while. Until I hugged him. He hugged me back and conect our lips together. But the kiss didn't last long before I had to go. I saw Niall's sadness in his eyes. I have to go before I start to cry.

"Goodbye" I said in a hurry. Before I locked the door behind me I heard a little 'goodbye' from Niall. I went to my car.


When I sat on a chair on the airport and waited for my plane. Something caught my attention. It was a mom and a dad with their son. The mom and son cried and the dad tried to be strong to not. They hugged each other tight.

The dad had military clothes on, I guess he'll be involved in the war. They have to be more worried than me right now. Think if the dad don't do it. I have read so much about it's so many men who don't live after a war. I shiver just to think about the familys who have to be worried all the time. The mom have to be worried about to loose her lover and the son have to be worried to loose his dad.

Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket. It said 'Liam' on the screen. I answered.


"Hi Haz"

"Hi, was it something you wanted to tell me?" okey now I think I sounded rude. But I'm not in the mood right now, for less than an hour I said 'goodbye' to my lover and my son for a week.

"Someone in a bad mood?" He laughed, but I can't hold my smile when I hear his laugh. That means he is happy and I want my cousin to be happy. Suddenly I found myself laughing a bit.

"Sorry Li, it's just that I don't want to leave Niall and Aaron alone in the house"

"It's ok, you don't have to worry. It's just a week Harry, you will be home sooner than you know"

"Thanks cuz"

"Well the reason why I called was just I was wondering if I could get Niall's number if he want help with something you know"

"Oh yeah, I will send it to you"

"Do so and be careful! Goodbye cuz"

"Yes I will, Goodbye dad"

We hung up the phone and I sent Niall's number to Liam and laid the phone in my pocket again.

After an hour of waiting, I heard through the speakers that they said if you're going to LA you can stand in the queue. So I got up and did it. When I arrived at the front of the queue, I showed my passport to the woman, and went my way towards the airplane.


The plane slowly started to lift over the ground and now it was no way back. Bye Niall. Bye Aaron. Bye Liam. Bye Louis. Bye my house. Bye everything.

You're such an dramatic queen Harry
It's only a week!

The person I sat next to stared at me, why? Wait did I think out loud?

"What?" I asked him and he didn't answer me just looked away. Idiot.

() () () () () () () ()

Wow I can't believe I got over 700 readings on this fanfic!!! I Love you all soooo much!!

I will update this little more now! :)
Hope you're going to like it and I have some exiting ideas to this fanfic!! <3

I'm going to be in Greece One week more before I will go home back to Sweden.

Love you alllllllllllll!!!!!!! <333333

~ Narryshipper

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