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(Wrote this on my phone so I don't know how this chapter is, but hope u like it anyway)


"Let's head inside" Liam patted with one hand on my shoulder. I nod and we walked away from the bench. It wasn't until we walked into the door which led us into the hospital, I let out a breath. Which I didn't even know I had been holding.
I am so cold. I have gosebump over my arms. My hair was a mess. Luckly I have a gummy band around my handwrist. So I could set up my hair into a little bun. My t-shirt was wet from my tears I had been dried away from my eyes.

We walked past doctors, it's quite silent on the hospital today, which is a bit unusually. A part from the other days in here.

We went up to the room where Louis and Aaron was in. Liam looked at me when we was going to opened the door. But he stopped himself from opening it. His eyes widen. I don't know why. It's freaking me out. It's creepy.

"What?" I asked him and raised my eyebrows a bit.

"Your eyes are really, I mean really red"

Yeah, I've been crying quite a lot sence I got to know Niall has got amnesia.
It's a bit hard to believe it but I have to take it in and it will take a while until I get it into my head. I'll never get used to it.

I didn't say anything but I went to the toilet to try to wash it away.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I look horrible! I know I looked horrible for a day ago but now. I look even more horrible.

My hair isn't that messy tho, because I have it tied up in a bun. But my eyes actually really was shoot red. My face seem to be more slimmer than normal and so are my whole body. I have bigger bags under my eyes than I had before.

I turned on the tap. I put my hands under it and when I felt the warm water against my cold hands I closed my eyes because it felt so good. They were completely blue. They are so cold that I barely feel them, but they were soon warmed by the water. At last, when I started to get back my feeling in my hands I scooped them so I could collect water in them. I slowly closed my eyes and put my scooped hands against my face.

The water felt so good when it hit my face. I did like that for a few times before I opened my eyes again and I look the same, but a little fresher. There is no towel in here which dosen't suprise me. They don't have anything here. I sighed and took paper instead. It didn't felt as good as it had been if it was a towel. sadly. But I don't care.

I exit the toilet and saw from a far that Liam wasn't outside the door anymore so I think he had gone into the room. When I was standing in front of the door I took a deep breath. I slowly opened the door and when I had just show me in front of the other. Aaron attacked me by a hug. Or actually he hugged my knee. I thought he were asleep by now. But it seems like not.

I rest a hand on his little head and ruffled his little curly hair. I began to lift him up and when he was in my arms he threw his arms around my neck. I was surprised by his movement. But I hugged him tight. When he pulled away from my neck he looked into my eyes. I hope he don't understand anything. I don't want him to know I have been crying. But when I met his eyes they were wet. His cheeks was a bit red.

I turned my head to look at Louis.
I did a look 'what have happened'.

"Nightmare" Louis whispered, I turned my head again so I met Aaron's face.

"Aw, my little boy. What was the dream about?"



I had totally forgot that he have dreams about a monster. Or I think it's about a monster. I'm not 100% sure. But I remembered when Aaron went to Niall and me every night because of a nightmare. He have always nightmares but, his nightmares about the monsters is different.
He is always crying after them.

"What did the monster?" I don't know why that was my first question, when I know he is not going to answer that. Or I thought.

"He took you and mummy away from me"

He actually spoke a whole sentens. It's the first time. Aw my big boy. Okey I don't have time to think about that now! He is scared and I'm going to push that away. Push away his fear.

"I promise the monster only invited me and Niall on a cup of tea" oh gosh I suck at this. That was the best I could say? I could see Louis and Liam looked at me with questioning expressions on their faces.

"The monster don't have any friends and it feels so lonely. And it's only you Aaron who can change that. He need you and want to have a friend"

"You think that?" Aaron asked a bit shocked and I nod in response. He seem to be more comfortable. I love when I can make him to think different about a thing. A thing that scares him.

"Let's go to bed" I said goodbye to Liam and Louis after I had said "thank you" to Louis.


I woke up with Aaron in my arms. It is the best feeling ever. I wouldn't have a problem to have Niall in my arms either. But right now I love this feeling. Sometimes I think to myself 'this is actually my son' Niall's too.

I can't even describe the feeling. When Aaron was born he was close to die. He didn't move or breath. But then we saw he opened his mouth and his eyes.

And now here we are.

Me and my son.


Hey everyone!

Sorry for a crap chapter and I was a bit late with this chapter!
I didn't have a computer so I had to wrote this chapter on my phone.

I hope the next chapter will be up later today or tomorrow :) xx

Lots of love
- Narryfanfiction

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