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(There will may be a wrong correcting in this chapter but hope you will enjoy it)


"Happy birthday to you"

"Happy birthday to you"

"Happy birthday dear Aaron"

"Happy birthday to you"

"Hipp hipp hurray hurray hurrayyyy"

Aaron blow out the candles which was placed on the cake. I took some pictures of him with my phone. Which Louis and Liam did too.

"Aaron. Cheese"

He smiled into the camera and I took a picture.

I smiled at him.

Louis got a few hours out of the hospital and Liam too which means they can spend some time with Aaron and me today and I'm happy about that.

And I guess Aaron don't have to think about that Niall isn't here.

Liam and Louis gave Aaron a box, he opened it immediately.
He got up from the chair and jump up and down.

"What did you got?"

"Olofffff" he said and showed me the figure he had got. Olof was Aaron's favourite caracter in Frozen.

Aaron ran up to Louis and Liam to hug them.
And he said "thank you" a few times before he sat his little bum on the chair again.

"Okey here is mine then" I handed him a box. I hope he's going to like it. I'm going to give the rest of my gifts to him later today.
Tonight I guess.

"Yayyyy thank you daddy, thank youuu" he jumped off the chair again and ran to me. He hugged me tight and I embraced him.

Louis and Liam was curious what he had got so Aaron showed them.

"Batman, superman, flash.."

He rattled all the figures he had got.


Aaron, Louis and Liam was off to the park and I choose to stay home. So I can clean the house a bit.

When I had cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, Livingroom, I began to walk to the upper floor.

Knock. Knock. Knock

I growned and climbed down the stairs again to get to the door. I'm sure it's Liam, Louis and Aaron. But why do they not just opened the door?

When I had opened the door, I saw one person I didn't expect here.

"Niall?" I don't know if that was meant as a question or just to see if he was real.

"I need to tell you something" he started and then I knew he was going to tell me that I have to leave him alone..
So I just excusted me one minute to get something up the stairs and he just nodded and walked into the house.

When I came down again I saw Niall looked around a bit. But he was standing frozen in his place.
When I gave the box in my hands to Niall he furrowed his eyebrows.

"There you go. It's your stuff and the clothes is there too"

He looked kind of sad, but wasn't this what he wanted?
He had been ignoring me for a long while now.

And he has already moved on and now he has found a new boyfriend. So I guess it's my and Aaron's turn now.

If Niall can, we can.

Knock knock knock

I got to the kitchen and looked out of the window to see who it is.

"Shit" it's Aaron and he can't see Niall! I haven't told him yet and it would be so wrong and he would never forgive me. I know I can say that Niall got free from the hospital today and he just came by. But it would be a lie. I hate to lie!

And then he would hug Niall and Niall don't even know Aaron. Ugh I really hate this situation!!!!

"What's wrong?" Niall asked and came to the kitchen.
"You need to hide" I paniced, Niall just stood there and wondering why

"Fast. Aaron can't see you here" I said and that was when Niall moved, he got into the livingroom and hide himself behind a wall.

I took a deep breath before I opened the door.

"There is my birthday boy" I was happy to see him again, I know I know it was only an hour sence I saw him but I really is in a great mood today. He just smiled.

I lifted him up and kissed his rosé cheeks. It wasn't that warm outside today. But not that cold so you have to wear a jacket.
"Where is Liam and Louis?"

"They are in the car" Aaron answered and he had right. They sat in the car.

"Can I follow with them?" Aaron begged and did his puppy eyes.


"Build a bear" he replayed and I stayed quite.

"Please daddy please"

Well he is happy and I won't ruin that.
"Okey okey, but promise me to be careful okey?"

He nodded rapidly and kissed my cheek.
"I Love you to the moon" he suddenly said which made me smile.

"I Love you to the moon and back" I kissed his forehead and let him go.

Aaron was just going to leave but stopped himself and faced me again.
"When is mummy home?"

Please not now....I want him to be happy. And think about Niall would just do him sad. I don't blame him. I miss him too.

"I really hope soon, little bean. I miss Niall too. But the doctor won't let him go from the hospital yet"
It breaks my heart to say something to him which isn't true at all.

He only gave me a smile and left.

When I heard the sound of a car leave I made sure they was gone.
When they were I head to the livingroom.

"Niall they are gone now"

I got no answer.

Ugh, why does he has to be so quiet?


Niall slowly walked away from the wall and still had the box in his hands. When he faced me. I saw he had tears in his eyes and one by one rolled over his cheek.

I didn't have the time to ask him what was wrong, before he just stormed out of the house and left me alone and comfused.


Hey everyone!

Why do you think Niall is crying?
And what do you think he was going to tell Harry?

Was he going to tell Harry to stay away from him or maybe something else???

I just feel like I haven't thanked you guys enough so here it is.


Lots of Love

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