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(A/N I just really like this GIF on Mr. Styles. He's a cupcake)


Well, what can I say?

Here we are again, but in another hospital.
I tried to keep myself calm.

I need to stay positive.

"I'm sleepy" Aaron whined.

We are sitting on two chairs while Liam and Louis is into a room. They will update us soon what's happening.


Aaron now sat in my lap and was asleep. We've been waiting in two hours now and I want to close my eyes so badly.
But I can't. I have to watch Aaron and wait until Liam coming.

"Harry" I heard Liam's voice call me out. I looked up to see tears prick up in Liam's eyes.
Liam took a seat on the chair opposite me.
I was worried.

"Umm, well I can begin with the good news. We are going to have twins" I gasped. My god. I'm going to be uncle to twins? I can't wait!
"But the bad news is that.....They can't hold in the babys in Louis belly anymore so he's giving birth today"

"Is that not good?"

"No" he said and looked down at his lap "There is more risk that the kids can't make it"


I can't handle more drama!

My life is over!

I can't take it.

Okey Harry Edward Styles stop being so fucking dramatic ALL the time

"Oh" was the only thing I could get out. I was speechless. I suddenly felt cold and warm at the same time.
What is wrong with me?

"Haz, are you okey?" Liam asked me.

"I should ask you the same question. I feel so sorry for you and Louis. I really hope the babys will make it"

"Yeah me too"

I asked if Liam could take Aaron for a moment so I could visit Louis.


When I saw Louis on the bed with an oxygen mask which were covering his mouth I could only think about Niall.

But Louis is in a better situation. Or it's how you look at it.

"Haz?" Louis voice was really low. He had taken off the mask.

"Lou, how are ya feeling?" I asked him with a smile. He smiled back at me.

Suddenly everything happend so fast. Louis froze and he put on the mask again and he was now screaming because of his pain, the babys was giving him.
A doctor came into the room and then left again. It didn't took a long time before the doctor was back into the room again but with more people behind him.

"Okey hurry. His breath is going faster and faster"

Louis removed the mask from his mouth again, to say something to me.


Why do I just stand here?
Ofcourse Louis wants his boyfriend to be here.

"Oh alright! I will get him into here" I stressed and rushed out of the room to Liam.

I just had to show him my face then he gave me a sleeping Aaron and stormed away from us.
I hate how everything has to happen so fucking fast.


3 hours later

I heard sobs from Louis and a baby who were crying. Not two? They said it was going to be twins.

Then I saw Liam was crying too. But I cried too when Aaron was borned and so did Niall. So it's not anything wrong with that, but it was like they were sad about something.

"Where is the other one?" I asked Liam and Louis. They both send me a sad look.

"It didn't make it"




Louis and Liam's other baby didn't make it through the whole thing. It's sad. Why?

Well I know I said I would try to end this story for like 1-2 weeks ago, but it seems like it didn't.

But I'm not lying when I'm saying this fic is coming to an end!!!!!!

Lots of love

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