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I woke up with a good feeling in my stomach. Today it's Harry's and mine anniversary!! But I'm sad Harry isn't home today. But we can celebrate when he's home.

I had a normal perfect morning with Aaron today. Now we are on our way to Liam and Louis' house. I will drop Aaron off there, just for today.

I end the engine and jumped out of the car. I opened Aaron's door and hitched up his seat belt. He simply jumped out of the car as well.

I closed his door and we walked towards the frontdoor. When we was in front of it, I knock on the door.

It took a few seconds for someone to open. It was Louis who had opened the door. He smiled and hugged Aaron. I don't know why he is so careful. Because if I know Louis right, he would let Aaron jump to him. I'll have wait and ask that later I guess.

"Uncle Li is coming soon" Louis said to Aaron who nodded and ran into the house after he had took off his shoes.
"By the way, where did you get the car from?" Louis asked me

"From the sky, this morning the car just stood there outside our house" I joked and laughed at what I just had said. Louis joined in after a while too.

"Your jokes are worse than Harry's" I laughed even more and after a while a figure came behind Louis.

"What are you two laughing at?" Liam's hair was a mess and he had half woken eyes. He had big bags under his eyes and it was almost like he hadn't sleep anything this night. Poor guy.

"Wow, I'm sorry but you look like a mess" I said and laughed at Liam

"Shut up" with that he disappeared from the doorway, leaving me and Louis laughing our face off. I feel so happy today! And I wish I could always be this happy.

"Wait!" Liam screamed after a while which made me jump from the ground.
Louis and I furrowed our eyebrows at him. We stared at him.

"Okey that's creepy" he said and looked between us.
"But isn't it your and Harry's anniversary today?"

"Y-yes how did you know that?" That was a stupid question! I know Harry have said it to him. He smirked at me. Which actually was a bit creepy.

"I don't share secrets" I raised an eyebrows at him but just shrugged it off. Louis hugged me and said congrats. I don't know when the last time was when Louis hugged me. But I kind of enjoyed it, sence I haven't have Harry's arms around me. It felt great to hug someone

"where did you get the car from by the way?" I clamped a hand to my forehead, why is that so important of all? I don't know what it is with them today, well if I think very carefully they have always been like this.
"What is it with the car? I burrowed one, if I need it" I half-laughed at the same time I said it, but they seem to be serious.

"nothing, just, why didn't you ask me to drive if you need to go somewhere?" Liam asked and the both were looking at me, I can drive they know that right?! I raised one eyebrow at them
"I didn't want to bother you more, you have already helped me enough"
"No don't feel like that, we said we would be here for you if you need any help"

"Thank you guys so much, but today I'm just greatful that you can watch Aaron for me" I smiled and shrugged lightly my shoulders. Louis gave me a kindly smile and so did Liam. I was just going to ask if there was anything to Louis stomach or something, when Aaron interrupted me. He had his legs crossed.

"Me need pee-pee" he said with a little squeaky voice and pulled at my pants.
"Uncle Li or Lou can surely help you" I tried but Aaron shook his little head. I sighed and picked him up from the ground. "is it okay if w.." I didn't say finished the sentence before Liam nodded and placed a hand around Louis waist. I wish Harry was here.

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