get out of town

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After that visit on the hospital yesterday I decided that I won't visit him in a long while now. I'm going to be with our son. I can't waste my time on him all the time. If he is never going to be able to remember me, it's better I start now. It will be a fucking hell without him close to me. But I will go through it. I will at least try.

That's why I can't see him in a while. Because if I visit him again soon, I'm afraid to end up like we did yesterday. So I think he need his space and I need mine.

The only thing I worry about is where he is going to live? He only have to be at the hospital in two days more.

Well we will see soon.

I got up from bed and made my way to Aaron's room. It's Wednesday, which means Aaron have a day off from kindergarten and I have free time. I haven't thought about my job. I have to call Lily later today, but not now.

Before I could open the door which leds to Aaron's room, he opened it.

"Buuuuu" he said and had a big grin on his rosé lips. His blue eyes shone with happiness. Maybe this day will be a good day? I lifted him up and turned him upside down. His giggle were loud but I don't care. It's cute. I tickled his stomach and he tried to grab my hands to push them away. But I was too strong.

"Da-daaad stop" he laughed

"Not until you say, I love you daddy" I smirked and tried to not laugh. Because this look so funny. But I could't hold it in more. I joined Aaron and laughed so much that my stomach hurt.

"I-I love y-youuu daddyyy" it came out more as an mixture of a laugh and scream.

I turned him to the right side. With his feets on the ground. He was only in a pair of boxers right now. Which I am too. He is like me. He likes to go naked home, but I used to go without any boxers or clothes when I lived on my own. When I was younger. I mean full naked. But not anymore.

I walked to the bedroom and slipped on a pair of sweats and a simple white t-shirt.

I went back to Aaron who stood outside his door, with might the biggest smile I've ever seen. It made an fast effect on me, I smiled back to him.

"Come here" I can't go a day without a hug from him. I really like to cuddle with him, like father and son. And I really miss to cuddle in the morning in the bed with Niall.

I let go off him and we walked to the kitchen for breakfast.


Sence we didn't have any breakfast home, we decided to eat out today. I have to buy food today, a lot! That made me think of Niall. He eats a lot and yeah even food made me think of him. Please can I not think about ANYTHING else than him. Just a day. My brain really have to take a break from him. From everything actually --

That's why I got an idea.

Maybe me, Aaron, Louis and Liam have to get away from this town just for a while. Maybe two days or something. We all need it.

I found myself sitting in the car with Aaron in the backseat. I drove to the nearest food place, which were a restaurant. They services breakfast on the mornings so I parked the car outside the restaurant. We got out of the car and head in.

It was quite nice in the restaurant. There was a few tables with two or four chairs to. Then there was a few tables with two sofas on each long side of the table next to big Windows. We just choose a table with two chairs, because we are only two persons.

We ordered our food before we sat our bums on the chairs. We were the only in here, it's a bit early yet so I understand why. When Aaron's pancakes and my sandwich came we began to dig in. It felt so good to eat real food again. I know sandwich isn't that kind of food but it's still better than the breakfast on the hospital.


(A/N sorry I didn't discribe much)

When Aaron and I was out of the restaurant again we head into the car and when we was in our seats I decided to call Liam.

It didn't took a long time before he answered the phone.


"Hi Li"

"Has something happend?" He asked me on the other line. Why does he always have to think something has happened? I have maybe called once when something have happend. But not many.

"N-no why?"

"Oh okey good. Sorry It's just I'm used to it nowadays. There have happend a lot this month. So yeah, my head is a mess"

poor guy I should have known.

He is true. There have happend very much this month. He haven't even seen me smile sence Niall end up at that stupid hospital. But actually I have but only around Aaron. He is the reason why I am stronger than I actually am. He is the reason why I can get through this. He is the reason I'm smiling.
And Liam is worried about Louis too right now I think. And Niall.

So I totally understand him.

"Well we should maybe get out of this town"

there was a short pause before he spoke up again.

"I don't think that's  a good i-"

"Yes Li it is. Believe me. We need this, I know Louis is pregnant but that dosen't mean we can't get out from this town"

He sighed.

"Fine. I will tell Louis, I think you're right by the way. Down here is all the problem by now. Our brains need a little break i guess"

I'm happy he finally can admit I am right about something. He always want to be the one who says or does the right thing all the time. I'm glad he can admit this is a good idea.

"Yeah, can we maybe swing by? We should talk about when we are leaving"

Liam and Louis isn't at the hospital either now. They have the number to a doctor who they can call if there is any problem. I think Louis have to ask the doctors if he can go, but I really hope they let them go with us.

"Yes, see ya" he said and before I could say anything he hung up.

I looked in the backseat to see Aaron smile at me.

Then I turned my head and began to start the engine.

"Aaron, we are going to uncle Li and Lou, if that's okay?"


It's unbelievable how much Aaron love to hang out with them.


Hey everybody! :)

I don't know how this chapter was but hope the next will be better than this. It did go fast so sorry for that.

But where do u think they are going?

Do you think the doctors will accept them to leave the town?

But where will Niall live?

What will happen to him?

Lots of love

- Narryfanfiction

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