Home sweet home

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"It didn't make it" now everything hits my head.
Tears wanted to escape but I tried my best to fight them back. I have to be strong. But this is so sad. Louis and Liam just lost one of their child!

I walked over to them and hugged the both of them.

"I'm so so sorry" Liam smiled at me and said it was okey and that it was alright. But it's not! That's the problem. Nothing of this is alright or okey!
He have to let out his feelings more. If he don't he will hurt Louis too!!

But I don't have the heart to argue about that right now. Because they just lost one of the babys which Louis have been carrying in his belly for six months.



"I think you and Aaron need to get home" Liam said with a serious tone in his voice.

"Yeah, Aaron needs to sleep I guess"

"No, I mean to London"

I don't understand him. Yeah, I get he mean that he wants Aaron and me to go home to London but why? I don't want to leave them here in Wales all alone. Think if something happen?

"Harry, we will be fine" Louis said softly. I have to trust him. I need to. But I don't want to go home yet.

"Our life is home in London. Not here. And we can't run away from our problem. We will have to start our normal lifes with or without Niall"

Liam made it really hard for me. He always make me overthink my overthinking. (A/N maybe it sound little weird. Hahah)

So I nodded.

"I guess you're right" I used my low voice. Because when I don't want something I use it. Don't ask me why. Because I don't know.

I start to walk away when someone turned me around again and attacked me with a hug. Liam's arms were strong wrapped around me. He only gives me this hugs when he is sad.

"I don't want you to leave but it's for you and Aaron. Aaron need to be with his friends and have fun. You also have to meet people. You need to get a job too. It's better to start as fast as you can. I know you think it will be hard without Niall around, but you and Aaron will make it. We will come home as fast as we get out of this hospital and we will start a new life. All of us. Do it for you. And Aaron"

Wow Liam makes me emotional.

"But, promise you will call if something happen and update"

"Ofcourse" Liam smiled at me.
I just hugged him and Louis one last time before I said 'goodbye' to them.

When I got out of the room I saw Aaron sitting on one of the chairs and waiting for me. He smiled at me when I came.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked him and he didn't ask anything, he was just going for it.


(Back at the hotel)

I began to pack our bags. I haven't told Aaron yet but I will do it after I've packed this stuff.

I heard footsteps coming closer and before I knew it Aaron stood in front of me. He had his batman pyjama and his curly hair was everywhere.

"What you doing daddy?" Aaron asked and then yawned.

"What would you say if we are going home?"


I don't know if that was meant to be an happy reaction or a sad one. I can't read his face expression.

"Uncle Li and Lou?"

I sighed and lifted up Aaron. I kissed his nose.

"They will have to wait a little while on the hospital but as soon as they get out they will come home and with the new baby"

I hope

Aaron said "okey" and then hugged me. I really do love my son.


We had just arrived in London and then I thought about one thing....

How will Louis and Liam get home from Wales?

I know they will figured out that later, together. Liam just updated me with that the baby is okey, but it's really small. It has to be in a special room. With lots of equipment.

"Aaron we are home soon"

I got no answer

I looked to the seat next to me. I could see Aaron was in a deep sleep.

His mouth was wide open and he was breathing slowly. His little chest was going up and down.

I smiled at myself and then I dragged my attention to the road again.


I carried Aaron and the bags into the house.
I left the bags in the hall and walked with Aaron in my arms up the stairs.
I slowly opened the door to Nia--

I mean my bedroom.

Right now

I walked in and placed Aaron carefully on the big and empty bed. I laid the blanket over him and I dumped down on the other side of the bed.

I know we have the most of our memories from this house.

I know I don't want to be here because of that.

But I will always say

Home sweet home



In the next chapter is where the excitment begin! Lol xD

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will see ya later? ;)

Lots of love

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