glass doors

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the day after the night

I was a mess. I don't know why everything have to be so fucking hard in my life. First Gemma and then my dad. And I was close to loose Niall. I don't know how much I can handle with this. Everyone around me that I care about die.

I haven't told anybody yet. But sooner or later I have to face it. I have to tell Aaron about what's going on and Louis and Liam too. I have to tell them, not because I want to let them down. Only because I care about them and with three harder words, I love them.

I have to tell them. They deserves it. They really do.

I will talk to at least Liam today about Niall and my dad. Liam have been through all my life. He knew my dad and he have known Niall from the first days I met Niall. When I was alone, well I maybe lied about being totally alone. Liam was there. Liam was always there for me. All the time. When I met Niall I had him too and later I had Louis.

And look what I have know. I'm not alone, I have a family now. Which I love, they are my everything and I will protect them from everything even Louis and Liam. They are like my family too. Or actually Liam is my family but Louis counts too.

Aaron and I was walking to McDonalds with Liam and Louis. It was an awkward silence, no one of us did say anything. I think if I would try to speak at the moment I will break down. I haven't the energi right now. Maybe, or hopefully after the food.

Aaron held my hand and when he saw Mcdonalds in front of us he began to drag me so we could get there faster. I tried to hold back a little, but then I didn't have the energy to hold back anymore so I began to jog with him. When we had went into McDonalds I turned around to see Liam and Louis thru the glass doors. They were a few metres away from here.

The only thing I can think about was when Niall and I went to McDonalds when I was still In high school.


Niall and I was walking along the streets in London. We had been on a 5sos concert. I really love their music. They are quite nice lads. Their voices sounds so good and my favourite song is 'amnesia'.

I hope Niall loved the concert too. But he have been talking about the concert in more than ten minutes now so I think he liked it too and the fact is that 5sos is his favourite band.

While 5sos sang "Amnesia" I hugged Niall from behind and it was the best feeling ever. Keeping him safe and sound.

The cold air hit my face and build a little white cloud when I was breathing out my air out of my mouth. Niall was shivering so I stopped in my tracks and soon after he did too I hugged him tight. To get him a bit warmer. I could simply feel his goosebump on his tiny skin. I placed a kiss on the top of his head.

Then he looked up and deeply into my eyes. I cupped my hands over his rose cold cheeks and we shared a passionate kiss. It last in a few seconds before we pulled away and began to walk again. I had my arm around his waist. God what I love this man. He makes me go totally crazy.

"Oh, Hazza, look" He beamed and pointed at the McDonalds a few metres in front of us. I smiled at Niall. He is so cute when he is happy and excited. This was too much for me to handle with.

"Well lets go inside and eat something" Niall let out a "yay" before we walked into the food area. There wasn't any queue in there. So we just decided what we wanted to eat and then ordered our food. It didn't took a long time before we got our food onto a plate. We head over to a table in the corner next to a big widow. We sat on the red seats and ate in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, instead it was an nice silence. We just enjoyed our food.

"So did you like the concert?" I asked him and I don't know why I did. I already know his answer.

"No, I loved it!!!" He was so excited and don't ask how he was before! It made my smile grow. Now you can see how much of an effect Niall have on me.

"Good" I simply said and ate the rest of my salad.

"You finish?" I asked Niall after I had ate up all of my salad. I'm not into that kind of junk food. I don't say they haven't nice food here and I can eat it, but I feel better with healthy food. I've always liked it, so why not? He nodded and we made our way out after we had threw our paper cups and paper in different trash bins. They are very particular division, where you throw everything. I like it.

I was so dumb to forget the glass door in front of me so I just walk right into it.


I heard Niall laugh. I rolled my eyes, that wasn't funny. But he kept on laughing. I'm going to admit I really enjoy to hear my boyfriends beautiful laugh. I can never get tired on it. I could listen to it all day all night. But that did hurt, my forehead was probably red and he just laughed. So I stepped aside so he could walk first. But he laughed so much so he did exactly what I did. Right into the glass door. Now I was laughing my ass off.

"Look who is laughing now" but It looked so funny, so I could't stop.

After a while Niall joined me. We laughed so much that one who was working on McDonalds said us to be quite or leave. So we decided to leave.

*Flashback end*


I have heard Niall actually did that one time. I don't know where they was but Harry walked right through a glass door and Niall laughed so much so he walked into it too. It's quite funny actually. Lol!

I hope I haven't destroyed this fic! It's so much drama right now (in the fanfic) but I hope you still enjoy this fanfic! :)

Yay One direction won 8 prices on TCAs!!!!!!!!

Lots lots of love

- Narryfanfiction

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