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(Sorry but I haven't read through this. But I hope it's good anyway) 


It was an voice message. 

My hands began to shake, I don't quite actually know. But my mom left me and my sister Gemma when we was younger. I was ten years old and Gemma was eight. We only had each other. Dad got drunk often and sometimes he could hit me. When he was going to hit Gemma I came between them. So his hand slapped over my face instead of Gemma. I wanted to protect Gemma. He is my little sister and I wouldn't let something happen to her. 

Sometimes I imagines her body in front of me and sometimes I even talk to her and think that she actually is alive. The fact that I'm talking to my dead sister sometimes, scares me. Before I met Niall I met an psychologist. But it didn't help that much to me. But then I met Niall and he had this effect on me. He changed my life, in a good way. 

My sister died on a trip. She asked me if I wanted to come but I was too into my own business so I said "no" and now I really regret it. Why could't I have said "yes"? 

But she was going to take the bus because I couldn't go with her and she hadn't a car. But the bus crashed into another car and then the bus turned up side down. I don't know how. 

After her death I was alone. Dad didn't care about me anymore, but something in him changed after a year after Gemmas death. He was actually nice to me. He said sorry for everything and that I didn't have to forget him which I didn't quite do. But then he gave me his hotel. He said mum wanted me to own my hotel and so did dad. 

That's why I have that as job right now. 

But the thing is I haven't meet my mother in so long now. I don't know what to do. 

With shaking hand I opened the voice message and putted the phone to my ear. I could hear how she cried. It was heartbroken even if I'm angry at her for just leaving us. But I haven't heard her cry once so it was not the best to hear after 10 years. 

"I'm so so sorry, Harry. I am so sorry for leaving you and your sister. But I had to, there is something you need to know about me. I was kidnapped and somehow the news talked about me and said I had died. But I'm alive, I'm not dead. The police found the kidnapper and it's a long story....but I guess it was the story why I left you guys without saying anything- I didn't have a chance.  I don't know how to tell you this"

My mom got kidnapped? 

By who?

I haven't something this before? 

A tear streamed down over my cheek. I didn't even know I could cry more. I have cried so much this past six days. But I guess I was wrong.  

She took a deep breath before she spoke up again. 

"Y-your d-d-dad"

what have happend to my dad? Oh god, my heart was beating faster and faster. I haven't talked to dad in one year now. I was worried about him even if he did bad things to me when I was younger. He is still my dad. 

"H-he is d-d-dead...." 

It's like I have a echo head. I couldn't believe anything. Why? Why- no this can't be true! It can't. I brust out in tears. I can't control my breaths. I don't know if I even breath. 

Why does everyone have to die around me?

Why does everyone I care about die? 


I'm really sorry for this crap chapter! 

I hope the next will be better than this and longer :)

Lots of love

- Narryfanfiction

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