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Chapter Ten

It had been three days since Belle had been admitted to hospital and the sedation had been stopped but she still hadn't woken, although the doctors insisted that it was normal, her body's way of letting her heal, everyone was worried and had taken up sitting beside her bed in shifts, keeping vigil at all times. Usually during the day it was either Half Sack, Piney, Gemma and Luann; and at night it was one of SAMCRO with the exception of Juice who hadn't returned since he left the first night.

Tig walked through the hospital up to intensive care to relieve Piney for the night. He nodded at the nurses at the desk as he reached her hospital room and opened the door, walking in and closing the door behind him. Piney looked up as Tig walked over to the bedside.

"Evening doll face." Tig said softly before he leaned down and kissed her forehead, the sterile hospital smell invading his nostrils instead of her usual vanilla scent.

"Any change?" Tig asked Piney, although he knew just by looking at her that there hadn't been.

"Not yet." Piney said gruffly as he stood, adjusting his bag strap for his oxygen tank, before he headed for the door. Tig heard the door closed, knowing that Piney hated sitting round the hospital before he moved to take Piney's seat, laying his cut over the spare chair, and taking a seat, grabbing her right hand in his being careful of the I.V's in her hand.

"Need you to wake up doll face, everyone misses you and it's starting to look like a florists in here and at Gemma's...well they keep arriving at the garage and clubhouse so Gem takes them home." Tig spoke softly as one of the night nurses told him the previous night that talking to her might help.

"Jax was right when he said you made quite an impression on all the visiting brothers, once they heard what happened, they offered to send all their spare men down here to help us retaliate. If we took them up on their offers we'd probably have half of the west coast Sons in Charming but we haven't as we still have Hap, Koz and Quinn." Tig rambled on.

"Gemma saw the two crow eaters that you slammed together, she won't admit it but she was quite proud when we told her what happened, it was quite a vivid rendition actually... She also found out about you breaking into the impound lot, drugging the prospect and bailing us out." He continued to ramble, chuckling as he did.

"Please doll face, I miss our banter. Who else will tell me to take a crow eater from behind so I don't have to look at her face and which ones I need to avoid because they're clingers." Tig told her sounding desperate before he laid his head down next to her hand and drifted off...


Belle slowly opened her eyes, closing them almost instantly for a brief second before opening them again as they focused, she looked around before noticing Tig asleep, his head on the edge of the bed by her hand that had an I.V. in before she felt the aching in her body realising she was in hospital.

She gently lifted up her hand that was closest to Tig and bought it up to her face as everything came back to her...Juice, the rain, the diner, the black sedans, the crash, the Chinese men, the guns, the shooting...Juice was shot. She sat bolt upright, ignoring the pain that coursed through her body as she ripped out her I.V's,the chest drain, the catheter, the electrodes and the blood pressure cuff sending the machines into a frenzy.

Tig woke as the machines began beeping furiously before he realised that Belle was awake; he quickly stood and tried to grab her hands to stop her without hurting her as the blood ran down from where she ripped out the I.V's and tubes.

"Belle, it's alright, you're in hospital doll face." Tig said softly as a nurse and doctor rushed into the room but stopped seeing her awake and him trying to calm her down.

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