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Chapter Two

Belle left the confines of the lot at 4:30am with her headphones in, playing her running playlist on low, just in shorts and a sports bra and her running shoes as the air was still warm and it was still dark. Running wasn't her way of just keeping fit, it helped her burn off excess energy, and clear her head while she prepared for the day ahead.

She ran and ran until the darkness descended into light as the sun started to rise, she slowly slightly and checked the time seeing it was already 5:45 so she quickly turned around and headed back for TM knowing she needed a quick shower before spending the day in the garage working.

She was almost back at TM, just around the corner, when she heard a Harley coming from behind her, seeing it pass her before stopping heavily to the side of the road, seeing the Reaper. She slowed down and took out one of her headphones realising it was Juice.

"What are you doing out this early?" He asked slightly concerned.

"My daily run. Could ask you the same thing?" She replied as she stretched on the sidewalk.

"I have a morning shift at TM but I thought I'd come in early and sort out your phones, and I was hoping that Bobby had baked something. I'll give you a lift." Juice explained.

"I'm all sweaty, you don't want me pressed up against you." She said as she looked down knowing she ran a lot further than she meant too.

"Get on." Juice said firmly but with a smile. She sighed a little, quickly turning off her music before getting on the bike behind Juice and placing her hands on him. Juice accelerated away from the curb and headed for TM.

They pulled into TM a few minutes later and she quickly got off and thanked him as they walked inside together seeing Bobby sitting at the bar with a cup of steaming hot coffee and the paper in front of him.

"Morning Bobby." She smiled as he looked up at her whilst putting the paper down and Juice who was behind her.

"Morning sweetheart. Coffee's fresh and there will be some freshly baked muffins in about ten minutes." Bobby said as Juice took a seat next to him at the bar.

"Thanks. I'll get my phones and then I need to have a shower but coffee sounds great after that." She answered before she walked to her room. She quickly grabbed her two of her phones, just her iPhone and her burner before taking them back out and giving them to Juice; she then walked back to her room, quickly shut the door and went into the bathroom, turning on the shower, she quickly stripped off her clothes and got in the shower.

"Should I ask?" Bobby said to Juice once she'd walked back out after giving him two of her phones.

"She was out running and I was on my way here. Met just round the corner and I gave her a lift back here." Juice explained quickly as Bobby nodded in understanding.

"Alright." Bobby said with a nod before he picked the paper back up and began reading again as Juice began loading numbers into both of her phones.

Belle got out of the shower with a black towel wrapped tightly around her body, she quickly stood in front of the mirror, brushed her teeth, applied a light amount of make up and then pulled her shoulder lengthy brunette hair into a small ponytail.

She walked out of the bathroom and walked to her drawers that had everything in since she'd unpacked only a few hours ago, she pulled out a pair of black boy-leg panties and a black bra and dropped her towel, quickly putting them on. She then pulled out a pair of her 'work' jeans which were lightly coloured blue denim and stepped into them; she added a black muscle back tank top and grabbed an oversized black hoodie that went down to almost mid-thigh.

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