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Chapter Five

The lot was packed with bikes as not only SAMCRO, but SAMTAC, a few Nomads and SAMFRES as well as support vehicles driven by prospects were packed into the lot, all preparing to leave for the charity run in under an hour, as more bikes and people trickled in.

"Jesus Christ." Half Sack grumbled as he sat on his bike.

"What's wrong prospect?" Belle asked as she stood in front of the SAMCRO bikes.

"My bikes electronics are working, got no rev counter display." Half Sack grumbled.

"Push it up by the shop, it's probably just a wire, I can do a temporary repair if I have too to get it working." Belle said as he got off his bike and pushed it out of the line, up to the shop while she got her tools that she needed.

She leaned down with her back to the lot and quickly went to work, finding the break in the wire and quickly repairing it by rewiring it completely.

"That is one fine ass mechanic that Redwood has." Belle heard from behind her, just as she finished the repair, she turned around knowing the voice to belong to Donut as she'd yet to see him since his arrival late last night.

"You're a class act Donut." She smiled as she walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"Heard you landed down here, didn't quite believe it though. Thought you'd come to Tacoma." Donut said with a chuckle.

"He'd want me on another planet especially when me dating a patch is a concern in Dad's eyes." She answered before spotting Half Sack.

"Sack, your bike is sorted, line it back up with the rest." She spoke to him.

"Thanks Belle." He answered as he walked to his bike while she and Donut headed to his own bike as she admired the detailing on the gas tank.

"You like it here though? Staying out of trouble?" Donut asked as he sat down on his bike sideways.

"I like it here, I mean every place has positives and negatives but it's been good even if I am living in a dorm room. And I always stay out of trouble!" She said with a smile.

"That's why you have a bruised cheek, neck, split lip and what I'm guessing is at least cracked, if not broken ribs." Donut said as she looked at him wondering how he figured out her ribs.

"Misunderstanding, it's all sorted." Belle answered, not wanting to tell Donut the story.

"Alright sweetheart, you know I'm just a phone call away." Donut rushed out seeing everyone fed out of the clubhouse, ready to leave.

"Thanks Donut, ride safe." She said before hugging him, she pulled away from him and walked over to stand next to Gemma and Piney as Redwood moved to start the run.

"Ready Prez" Happy asked as he stood next to Clay who nodded, Happy aimed up into the air and shot a few rounds off, as the crowd erupted into cheers before the lot began to empty out.


Belle walked into the office with a handful of paperwork, seeing Gemma sitting at the desk filing papers. The garage had been incredibly busy and with the guys out of town, they'd barely had time to stop with everyone pulling overtime, and she was more than glad it was Friday.

"Hey baby, more paperwork?" Gemma questioned as she looked up.

"Yeah, I made sure everything's filled out. Do you want me to finish filing that pile Gem while you ring the owners? Hopefully some of these vehicles can get picked up and give us some room in the lot." Belle said.

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