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Chapter Eleven

It was another three days before Belle was finally told she was going to be discharged. Belle had seen just about everyone except for Juice, who had stayed well away which she had a feeling he would avoid her as much as he could.

She finished packing her duffel bag before doing a final check that she had everything, just as Gemma burst into the room with everyone behind her, including Half Sack who was pushing a wheelchair.

"Didn't know you were bringing the cavalry Gem." Belle said as she zipped up her bag and lifted it up, slinging it over her shoulder along with her handbag that Gemma had bought in for her.

"I'll carry those doll, you're in the wheelchair." Tig said as he reached for her bags, slinging the duffel bag over his shoulder with her handbag.

"I'm not getting in that wheelchair." Belle protested.

"It's hospital policy though." Half Sack told her.

"Yeah it is but I'm walking." Belle replied.

"Alright you're walking. Let's get you home." Gemma said settling it.

Belle and Gemma walked out of the room first, seemingly followed by all the men as they made their way to the elevator but stopping to see Kelly standing by the elevator.

"Breaking out." Kelly smiled.

"Yeah. Thank you." Belle replied.

"You know how to thank me." Kelly laughed making Belle laugh, just as the elevator doors opened and everyone filed in. The doors closed and Belle dug through her pocket looking for the piece of paper that Kelly had given her as they descended.

They walked out of the elevator and straight outside into the fresh air and warm sun seeing Gemma's SUV and the guys bikes all lined up right outside. Tig quickly put her bags in the back seat of Gemma's SUV as Belle and Gemma went to get in while the men mounted their bikes. Clay, Jax, Bobby, Tig, Chibs, Happy, Kozik, Piney and Half Sack pulled out before Gemma's SUV followed up the rear, all heading for TM.

"I heard you're thinking about buying a house, settling down in Charming." Gemma said as they followed the guys.

"Yeah, as long as you don't mind having me working at the garage still." Belle said as she moved round in her seat, leaning up against the door panel so she could face Gem.

"You've always got a job baby. Any idea on what you want?" She asked.

"Not really, I don't even mind something that needs renovating although I might have to change that a bit considering it's going to take me a bit of time to recover fully." Belle replied.

"Doesn't mean you can't start looking, just to get an idea of what you want." Gem replied before the silence settled over them the rest of the way to TM.

"Home sweet home." Belle said as they pulled into the lot and parked making Gemma laugh as they got out of the car, Half Sack running over to grab her bags from the backseat as they all made their way into the clubhouse.

"Hey Koz." Belle called out as she held up the folded piece of pale pink paper in between two fingers.

"Yeah?" Koz questioned as he turned around at the bar to face her.

"From the little spitfire." She said as she handed him the piece of paper, the grin wide across his face as he took it, making her laugh while everyone looked at them.

"Clay, we've got company...Hale." Half Sack announced ending the jovial mood.

"He'll be wanting to speak to me since he wasn't allowed to at the hospital, not that he's going to get anything anyway." Belle stated as she ran a hand through her hair.

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