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Chapter Sixteen

The sun was barely up and Belle was already out pounding the pavement with her headphones in with Gunner at her side. She was almost on the other side of town when she felt her burner phone vibrating, she quickly pulled it from her pocket and answered it.

"What?" She answered as she slowed down to a jog.

"Where are you?" Tig asked.

"Running why?" She replied stopping.

"Need you at TM now." He replied, alarming her.

"Alright, I'll be there in ten or so." Belle answered before hanging up, she shoved her phone in her pocket and put her headphones back in before turning around and sprinting towards TM with Gunner close at her side.


"Did you call her?" Luann asked impatiently as soon as Tig walked back in from calling Belle.

"Yeah, she's ten minutes out, she was running." Tig replied as he looked around at all the men sitting around the room just shaking their heads at Luann's impatience.

"Told you so." Juice quipped.

"What's in the box anyway Luann?" Bobby asked, eyeing the rather large hot pink box with a shiny white oversized box on top that Luann was guarding fiercely.

"Just a thank you for Belle for last night." Luann answered whimsically.

Belle sprinted into the clubhouse, skidding to a stop as Gunner did the same next to her, breathing deeply before she looked around and felt confused. Half Sack quickly handed her a bottle of water before putting a bowl of water down on the floor for Gunner.

"You run wearing that?" Sack asked once she'd finished her bottle of water, she turned and threw the empty bottle at him before glancing down at the black short shorts and the black sports bra she was wearing.

"Want to tell me why I had to come here now?" Belle asked completely ignoring Sack as she focused her attention at Tig.

"Oh I had him call you." Luann said as she finally noticed her.

"Right..." Belle trailed off.

"Just wanted to give you these as a thank you for last night." Luann said as she sat the box in front of her on the bar.

"Oh Luann, you didn't have to do that." Belle replied.

"I know, I wanted too. Open it later, once you're home." Luann said before she kissed her cheek.

"Thank you." Belle said as she walked out, just as Gemma walked in.

"Hey Gem. I'm going to jump in the shower." Belle greeted Gem as she picked up the box and went to walk away but was stopped by Gem.

"Belle, there's someone waiting outside for you, wanting to talk." Gem informed her.

"Alright, I'll just grab a hoodie or something." Belle replied as she sat the box back down.

"Here Belle." Juice said as he handed her his hoodie.

"Thanks." She replied as she took it, shrugged it on, and wrapped her arms around herself to close it up, rather than zip it up before she went to walk out.

"What about your box?" Tig asked wide eyed as he had a fair idea what was inside.

"Leave it alone Tig." She told him sternly as she walked outside.

She walked out of the clubhouse and stopped short as she saw Xavier lent up against the tailgate of his black Ford truck before she continued across the lot to him, well aware that the CCTV cameras would allow everyone inside the club to see.

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