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Chapter Seventeen

It had been a long seven months since Belle turned eighteen and bought her first house, her home but for the first time she was truly happy with her life.

"Belle?" Gem yelled from the office door making Belle look up from under the hood of the 1967 Candy Apple Red Ford Mustang she had just finished off.

"Yeah Gem?" She asked as she picked up a clean rag and wiped off her hands, making her way over to her.

"Is that Mustang done?" Gem asked.

"Yeah, just finished it, here's the paperwork." Belle said handing her the paperwork, already filled out.

"Thanks. I need you to go do a tow, take the flatbed, here's the address. It's a little bit out of the way, I know, but it's for a friend, and you'll be back in time for family dinner." Gem explained as Belle took the paper and the keys.

"Sure Gem. I'll take Gunner with me. Still alright if I bring him to yours?" Belle asked.

"Of course sweetheart. I'll see you when you get back." Gem said as Belle simply nodded, turned on her heel and walked out of the garage towards the tow truck with Gunner.

Gemma watched as Belle left in the tow truck before she walked into the office and sat back down to sort out the paperwork she'd just been given.

She looked up at the sound of a knock on the door before seeing the young man that had been to see Belle before. Everyone had noticed how happy Belle had been, how she didn't spent a lot of free time hanging around the clubhouse, she barely smoked anymore and she always seemed to have somewhere to go; she wasn't fooling anyone but Gemma could also understand her taking her time before introducing the man that was making her happy.

"Hi." Gem spoke first noticing the bouquet of red and white roses wrapped in brown paper in his hands.

"Hi, I was looking for Belle, hoping I could give her these and take her to a late lunch?" He spoke politely.

"Gemma." She introduced herself as she stood and walked over to him.

"Xavier, nice to meet you Gemma." He replied as they shook hands.

"You too. I'm sorry Belle's actually out on a tow and she won't be back for a few hours. But we're actually having dinner tonight, I'd love for you to join us." Gemma told Xavier, not really offering but telling.

"I couldn't impose." Xavier said as Gem wrote her address down on a piece of paper.

"You're not imposing, you're invited. Here's the address and we'll see you at eight." Gemma said not taking no for an answer as she shoved the paper into his hand.

"Alright, thank you. Is it ok if I leave these with you so Belle can get them when she gets back?" He asked holding up the flowers.

"Of course, I'll put them in some water." Gemma said taking the bouquet of roses from him.

"Thank you. I'll see you tonight." He replied before he left the office.


Chibs stood in the middle of an abandoned lot in Oakland with Tig, Happy, Kozik, Juice and Sack, watching as Clay, Jax and Bobby interacted with Shark who had arrived earlier in the day from the Sons Tucson charter unannounced saying he was just passing through but thought he'd stop in and help on his travels.

"Come to family dinner tonight kid if you're not itching to leave." Clay invited Shark.

"Sure, I'd love that. Don't get too many home cooked meals." Shark answered smirking.

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