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Chapter Three

It had been almost eight weeks since Belle had arrived in Charming and she'd settled in well, but as Chibs had claimed one night 'it was in her nature to be able to blend in, her natural survival instinct' and it was, a part of her skill set that helped her to hustle and pick pocket without being caught out. She worked every hour that the garage was open Monday through to Saturday and helped out around the clubhouse whenever it was needed.

Another Friday, another party that was raging. Belle sat up on the roof, thankful that Jax had shown her the space, overlooking the Teller-Morrow lot and out over Charming, where she could be alone and think; she missed Carter unbelievably so and as things had gotten busier in Tucson, their phone calls had gotten shorter and less frequent which only caused her to worry more, not that she'd say it out loud as it happened to be part of the life.

She climbed down the ladder, off the roof and zipped her hoodie up a little more, seeing two out of town patches in the ring before looking round and seeing Jax, Tig and Happy all sitting at a picnic table watching the fights before seeing Half Sack running around handing patches fresh beers along with the sweet-butts, while Clay, Bobby and Juice stood ringside. She stood watching until Bobby climbed into the ring and ended the fight before the crowd began to disperse a little and head inside. She went to head inside when a tight grip on her arm stopped her, pulling her back until she was around the corner, where she was slammed into the wall as his grip tightened on her upper arms painfully, hitting the back of her head hard by someone she didn't recognise as he defiantly didn't hold a patch.

"Let go of me!" She yelled firmly as she tried to push and kick him away from her, the smell of alcohol overwhelming, he was clearly drunk but it hadn't weakened him, as one of his hands moved to the throat squeezing painfully tight.

"You're just a whore." He slurred as his free hand began to trail lower whilst he squeezed her throat a little tighter, she quickly threw a punch with her right hand that connected with his cheek but only made him angrier. He pulled her forward off the wall before slamming her as hard as he could into the wall again, making her yelp in pain before he threw her to the ground, his hand grasping her throat again and his knee in her ribs on her left side as he began punching her, the ring cutting into her cheek and the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth. She bought her knee up and slammed it as hard as she could into his groin, and he quickly stood up, not really as deterred as he should have been, sending a hard few kicks into her ribs, grinning at the sound of them cracking that could be heard, only making her cry out louder and in pain.

He hit the ground again, sitting on his knees pressing into her ribs, pain rippling through her body, as he held her by her throat squeezing again, sending a fist into her already bleeding cheek, as she tried to fight him off. She vaguely heard the sound of a bottle breaking as she hit him again, as hard as she could, her knuckles splitting open as she hit his jaw.

Half Sack walked around the corner, dropping the bottle of beer that he had in his hand as he saw one of the newest hang-arounds attacking Belle, he ran towards the picnic table knowing he'd need help to get him off her.

"Jax, Tig, Happy, help, he's hurting her." Half Sack yelled capturing their attention as he took off running back to Belle, they quickly got up from the picnic table and ran after Half Sack.

Half Sack tackled the hang-around just as he went to hit her again, sending him off Belle and to the ground but he was already getting up to go for her again when Happy and Tig pulled him back, holding him as he fought against him, as Jax knelt down beside Belle who was curled up, a hand holding her ribs as she took short breathes, blood pouring from her.

"Sack, get Chibs and Clay." Jax told him, Half Sack took off running back towards the building.

"Belle, it's alright. You're alright." Jax spoke softly not wanting to panic her as Happy and Tig fought to keep control of the guy. She looked up at him and nodded in recognition, scared to use her own voice, as the pain ripped through her, she tried to sit up and Jax quickly helped her. Clay, Juice and Half Sack all came to a stop seeing the scene in front of them.

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