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Chapter Twenty

Clay sat with Gemma beside Belle's hospital bed as she was still in recovery sedated, he'd sent the guys home or back to the clubhouse for the night, except for Tig who had gone to feed Gunner.

Gemma looked over at Belle and the thick white cast on her arm in the dimly lit room, before looking back at Clay who looked how she felt, exhausted.

Belle groaned softly as she opened her eyes, feeling the after effect of the aesthetic before she looked at Gemma and Clay who were both looking at her.

"Hi." Belle croaked out.

"Hi baby. Surgery went well. Doc reckons you'll be able to go home in the morning." Gem replied before she poured a cup of water and handed it to her.

"Thanks. You two should go home and get some sleep." Belle said once she'd finished the water.

"I can't believe you slipped on the goddamn floor and did this much damage to your wrist." Gem stated.

"Hmmm...not my smartest move. I think the bottom of my heels are worn through, no grip." Belle said realising that she hadn't been filled in on tonight's events.

"Any excuse for my two favourite ladies to go shoe shopping." Clay smiled.

"We don't need an excuse baby." Gem smiled at him.

"Why don't we head home, get some sleep and then you can come back in the morning and take Belle home?" Clay suggested noticing how Belle was ready to go back to sleep.

"Yeah. I'll see you in the morning baby." Gem said before standing up and kissing her cheek before she left with Clay.


The next time Belle woke up it was morning and the doctors were doing rounds. A nurse in light purple scrubs walked in with Doctor Balien.

"Morning Belle, how are you feeling?" Doctor Balien asked.

"Good thank you." She answered as she felt alright, just a little tired.

"Bend your fingers. Nothing numb?" Doctor Balien asked as she curled her fingers around the cast.

"Nothing's numb." Belle assured him.

"Alright, Nurse Kate here will take the I.V out and then you can have a shower and then we'll put you in a sling, while I get your discharge papers, aftercare instructions and medication ready. Mrs Teller-Morrow is on her way in." Doctor Balien explained.

"Thanks." Belle replied before he walked out, leaving Kate to remove her I.V, just as Gemma walked in with Belle's bag.

It didn't take Belle long to get showered and dressed in the light blue skinny jeans and charcoal coloured backless shirt that Gemma had bought in for her, as well as a pair of charcoal ballet flats. Doctor Balien fitted Belle with a black sling before letting her sign the discharge papers and going over all the instructions with her and Gemma before they were finally allowed to leave, much to her relief.

"Your place or the clubhouse?" Gemma asked once they were seated inside of her SUV.

"Don't want to go home just yet. So clubhouse it is." Belle answered as they pulled out of the carpark.

"Ok baby, Tig's got Gunner there, and your car is there." Gem informed her.


Gunner ran across the lot, chasing after the bright yellow tennis ball that Belle had thrown with her good hand, as much as she hated to admit it she was in pain. She heard the clubhouse door open but didn't bother turning around as Gunner bounded back towards her with the ball, dropping it at her feet and sitting down. She felt someone sit down next to her and knew immediately who it was just by the white sneakers, Jax.

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