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Chapter Eighteen

It didn't take all that long for Belle to walk from TM to Clay and Gemma's house to get her car, she knew that Gemma would have given her a ride but she really didn't want to deal with the questions that she knew Gem wanted answered because she wasn't entirely sure if she could answer them.

She got in her car with Gunner and pulled away from the curb, hating how conflicted she felt, as she got to the end of the street, she had the option to turn left and head home, or turn right and just drive until she felt like stopping, letting the road lead the way. She turned right, not ready to go home...

She hit the highway and just drove before a thought hit her, she pulled off onto the roadside and dig through her bag for her phone, she scrolled through her contacts until she found the one she wanted and hit dial...


"It's Belle, that offer you made, is it still open and is there any chance of tonight? I could use some a distraction."

"Yeah, we're in Stockton. Are you in?"

"Yeah, just tonight though. I've got my dog with me."

"Alright then, I'll text you my new address and then we can go from there. My backyard is fully fenced so Gun will be safe."

"I'll be there soon."

Belle threw her phone back into her bag, scratched behind Gunner's ears and pulled back out into the highway, heading for Stockton.


Belle arrived just over twenty minutes later at Kelly's new place in Stockton, she'd transferred from St. Thomas to Stockton Memorial hospital a little over three months ago, and the two stayed in touch after Belle left the hospital, they became friends, especially after Kelly and Kozik hooked up a few times even though nothing ever came of it.

Belle walked up to the door with Gunner and knocked, laughing as Kelly practically threw the door open and hugged her.

"Hello, come in." Kelly greeted her as she moved aside and let her and Gunner in.

"Hi. Thanks." Belle replied as she walked in and sat her bag down.

"I've made sure it's all organised for us so we can go now, figured we could leave Gunner in the backyard, go to the hospital and then pick up some takeaway, come back here to eat and gossip." Kelly offered.

"Sounds like just what I need." Belle smiled softly. Kelly quickly ushered Gunner out into her backyard with a bowl of fresh water on the deck before she picked up her bag and the two women walked out of the house to her car.

It wasn't long before the two pulled into the hospital car park and got out, they quickly made their way through the hospital up to the fourth floor where the maternity and neonatal unit were located.

"We just have to stow our bags and wash our hands before we can go in." Kelly explained as they put their bags behind the nurses station in the nursery. They moved over to the sink and throughly scrubbed their hands and arms, up to their elbows before putting gowns on.

"Hi Kelly, here to hold an orphan or two?" The head nurse, Joanna asked.

"Yes, this is my friend Belle. We need the therapy that only babies can provide." Kelly introduced the two who exchanged quick nods in the way of greetings.

"Great, we can always use volunteers to hold babies who need contact." Joanna said as she led them over to two rocking chairs and let them sit down before motioning for two nurses to bring over two babies, a little girl and little boy.

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