Weight Lifted Off My Shoulders

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Chapter Twenty-Six

#Xena POV

I bit my lip pulling up to my mother's studio where everyone decided to meet up at. I didn't know if this would be the best thing to do but I needed to suck it up and get over with it. I couldn't hide it now.

I haven't talked to my father since the day my father's old mistress came up to the house with a long lost sister. I couldn't even stomach his behaviors and why he didn't wrap his penis up.

My hair was tired up into a neat ponytail and my face was covered in a little bit of make up. I slid my burgundy Tom Ford dress down that hugged my breast and curves. I decided on wearing some simple nude sandals.

I finally took a deep breath before stepping out of the cars. Photographers immediately started running up to me asking questions. Sometimes I forget that my mother is a celebrity.

I quickly walked to the entrance passed the security and into the studio. Everyone was already here.

Vanessa had her hair braided into two straight back while she sat beside Xavion holding hands. At least they're happy. Marissa was sitting with some chocolate male. They seem to having a serious conversation. Malinda sat on the wall with a female on her lap. Xylia was sitting Amari.

Now my eyes traveled to Jesus and my eyes widened. He looked like he just got out of a fight. His lip was busted and he had a bruise beside his eye. Beside him though was a young lady who was sitting beside him rubbing his hand.

Marissa took note that everyone was here and nodded.

"Alright since everyone is here, let's get started." She smiled warily. "I honestly don't know how to handle this but I think it'll be good if we were too go one by one and everyone ask that person questions that we all need to know. Who wants to go first?"

Everyone sat where they were simply looking at each other. I sighed before clearing my throat.

"I'll go first I guess." I said looked at everyone

No one said anything for a while.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Xylia voice ringed.

I sighed. "I thought it would be better to keep that one thing to myself. What did I look like? I know Mother raised us well but I didn't plan on bringing a baby into the world under them circumstances. How would that of looked? Your niece or nephew would of been your cousin. Excuse my language but fuck that."

Xylia stared at me for a while as if she was reading my soul before walking over to me and giving me a hug.

"I'm not judging you sis. I love you."

I took a deep breath overwhelmed by her touching me before smiling. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her to my chest.

"I love you too little sister."

"How did it feel? I mean I know it hurt but what about afterwards?" Malinda spoke out.

"Of course it hurt. My uterus had to shrink back to regular size as if I had went through and had the baby. Emotionally it took me years to be stable. I still have my days where I sit and cry over everything but it made me a better person." I said smiling. It actually felt good to release this.

"Is that why you are the way you are?" Vanessa asked.

I shrugged. "I wouldn't say it's the way I am. It made me realize I couldn't trust like I use too. I still have my faults. I'm 21 about to graduate college and still live with my mother because I'm emotionally unable to deal with being alone. I freak out when people touch me."

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