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Six weeks later....

It was dark in the small house, far enough from the town to be a private getaway. The only light was of the rising moon. The surroundings were still new to the couple, who had recently purchased the shack by the sea. "Percy!" Annabeth gasped as he threw her against the wall. His lips silenced hers with a searing kiss. Their teeth and tongues clashes between passionate kisses. Percy's lips dominated over hers stealing away her breath. All Annabeth could do was moan against his mouth and tangle her fingers in his soft hair. At one point between kissing, she had been lifted and carried to the bed. Things slowed down from there.

Percy caressed her like she breakable China while never taking his gaze off her. His fingers brushed her bare skin while they shed clothes between kisses. Annabeth felt butterflies tingle in her stomach when percy left a gently trail of kisses from her lips to where her shoulder met her neck. His lips were her undoing. Annabeth lets her head fall back enjoying the pleasure her new husband paid to her. Tonight was their first night as husband and wife. Their first night of many in a long life together. Her eyes fluttered closed as she ran her hands over his curves wishing to memorize every dip and curve of his muscle hard body. He was so warm and the sheets were so soft beneath her bare body.

Opening her eyes for a moment she saw the faint scar on his chest. She knew that scar lead to a deeper one in the center of his back. Lowering her lips to it, she kissed it gently. She could feel the shiver that ran through his muscled body. Percy made her feel beautiful. Like Aphrodite herself could appear and percy wouldn't even bat an eye at the goddess. Sometimes Annabeth felt like Percy's touch could melt her insides.

Everything was slow touches and deep kisses. Loving caresses and sweet nothings whispered in each other's ears. The moon was higher in the sky and the sounds of sea washed over the couples music. And when the moment came, when percy made Annabeth his and Annabeth made Percy hers, she swore she could see stars. The beauty of a starry night sky paled in comparison to this moment. Only the light of the dying candles could  illuminate the moving couple, before they disappeared into the darkness and themselves.

Five years later....

Annabeth was walking. Walking through the tall soft grass that lead from her small house to the white sand beach. The sea was close. The familiar scent of sea salt and fresh air soothes Annabeth. She let it wash over her. Filling her up with sweet and bitter memories. The sea would always be a second home to Annabeth. The sounds of the rushing waves still rocked her to sleep some nights. Her long blonde hair caught in the light breeze as she walks through the grass in a dark blue cotton dress. A soft smile was on her face as she walks the well worn path to the beach. Her feet along with another's were bare.

Except these feet were smaller. And now covered in sand as they reached the beach. Annabeth smiled watching the little blonde girl with the sea green eyes, who can't be more than 5 years old, beginning to search for shells hidden in the sand. "Mama!" She calls out looking at Annabeth with those eyes she loves so much. Soon the mother came to her daughter's side "what is it darling?" The rosy cheeked girl giggled and holds up the white shell in her hands. "It's beautiful Casteyla. Come we must not miss wishing off our friends."

Smiling, Annabeth takes her daughter's hand and they walk down the beach to where the crew of the Argo ll was getting ready to sail off. They came to visit from time to time over the years. Casteyla was crazy about them. Especially Leo who would always take her to the highest place on the mast. The crew loved Casteyla in return. They loved how she would bring freshly picked daises to each crew member. Annabeth had to hold her hand to keep Casteyla from walking into the water, already wetting the hem of her light pink dress, when the men began their departure. The water kissed the females toes as they waved goodbye.

A strong and warm hand rested on Annabeth's shoulder. Turning her head, she gazed up into the face of her loving husband. He looked the same. More handsome if that was possible. They both had grown into beauty over the years. His sea green eyes were still as bright and wild as the first they were the first day she saw him. That would never change in Perseus jackson. Casteyla lights up at the sight of her father. Percy kneeled and kissed her cheek, which always made her blush.

Annabeth lays her head on his shoulder when he stood up. His hand circles her waist, while his other waves to their leaving friends. The sun was setting against the water. Annabeth couldn't help but fall in love with the sea every time she witnessed this. Below them Casteyla let out a giggle. She, like her parents, shared a love for the sea. It ran in their blood. She would continue to wave until the ship was no longer in sight. It was annabeths favorite part. Percy's lips came up and brushed annabeths ear as he whispered "I love you wise girl." Blushing the color of the sky, Annabeth smiled and leans into his lips. "I love you too seaweed brain." A part of them would always be pirates, but they were more than that now. They were a family. As they watched their friends sail off for another adventure, Annabeth couldn't help but feel that the past was finally behind them and that life was calm and perfect, like the sea at sunset, as long as they are together.

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