Chapter Eighteen

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Percy's first thought was, 'oh crap' when he saw the guards running to Annabeth and him. He could feel Annabeth tense getting ready to go for her dagger. When the guards got to them, their swords were lowered. "No one gets in without an invitation." One deep voiced man said.

Before Percy could speak Annabeth dropped into a curtsy. "My apologies, we have an invitation," she presented the invitation with a wave of her hand. "I am princess Serena of the Indian Seas. And this is Prince Demetrius. We do so apologize for causing any trouble." Annabeth smiled a beautiful full smile that Percy felt his heart stop. She gave Percy a look and he quickly bowed hoping it looked graceful. The guards examined the invitation and handed it back. "All seems in order. Our apologies for the disturbance your majesties. Please enjoy the party." They bow and return to their position.

"You are amazing." Percy whispered to her as they made their way to the ball room. Without Annabeth Percy would have been thrown out. A hint of a smile played at her lips as he escorted her into the extravagantly decorated ball room. People draped in all colors of silk and satin. Masks concealed each guests identity but two. Perched on a golden throne was a blonde haired man with a jewel crusted crown resting atop his head. He was bathed in jewels and fine robes fit for a king. Percy knew exactly who it was. King Amadeus. He looked vaguely familiar for some reason. His wife, the queen, was dressed similarity with a crown on her chocolate curls, beside him. But it was obvious, the attention was meant to be on the King.

Music lovelier than any instrument played throughout the grand room as people danced and dipped. Food was heaping on gold plates on the far side of the room. Guards stood watch around the room keeping their focus on the Kings safety. People cast a few looks at Percy and Annabeth as they entered but soon returned to their own business. Percy watched in fascination that anything could be so grand, but there was a pang of sadness in his chest. These people would never know the greater joy of sailing the seven seas. Annabeths eyes were darting every direction as she surveyed the area.

Percy could see that no couple was standing. All were dancing or eating. But none just standing and they began to draw attention. Quickly Percy swept Annabeth onto the dance floor and into his arms. For a moment she stumbled, stepping on his foot in her slightly loose dress. Percy laid his hand on the small of her back drawing her closer. He could tell she smelled of the sea and lilac. It was intoxicating to him, having her this close. Annabeth regained her footing and looked up at him as they fell into the swing of the dance.

Annabeth was shorter than Percy was but from her position she could see the greenest waves of the sea in the depths of his eyes. For the moment she allowed herself to get lost in the dance and enjoy. Percy always had the affect of making her forget her troubles even for a moment. Seeing his victory a goofy grin took over his face as he spun her. Her dress followed the motion twisting like a silky red tail. Percy pulled her back into his arms to his chest. He could feel her pressed against his chest. She seemed so relax against him.

Percy smiled and kissed the top of her hair. "I'm falling in love with you Annabeth." He whispered to her smiling. At his words Annabeth stiffened and her eyes widened in fear. " can't." She stopped dancing going completely frozen in fear. Percy takes a step back confused. "What?" He knew it would be risky telling her but that reaction wasn't what he expected. A judo flip maybe. But not this. Annabeth was pale with wide gray eyes of steel.

Over coming her fear Annabeth turned on her heel away from him. Percy followed her and before she could even get a few feet away he grabbed her shoulder. She cried out at his touch. He quickly withdrew his hand to see the sleeve of her dress had fallen revealing her thin shoulder. All across the pale skin was a deep red burn scar that crept up her shoulder. In the center of the burn looked like a letter 'P'. Something in the back of Percy's mind clicked. Something Jason has told him.

'Her father caught her, broke her wrist in the struggle and branded her. Except it wasn't on her arm. No one knows where it actually is...The molten silver made it so her brand would never fully heal. Could you imagine how painful that must have been at 13?'

People had stopped dancing and were now watching them. Annabeth quickly yanked her sleeve up but not before the king had risen from his throne. Guards were circling them now as Percy was searching for an escape route. There was no way to get the signal out now. King Amadeus looked shocked. "Annabeth?" Taking off her mask she turned in a circle so she was facing the king. The mask clattered to the ground as Percy watched. Her arms were out as if presenting herself before she dropped into a full and perfect curtsy. A smirk was upon her full lips. "Hello Father."

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