Chapter Seventeen

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"Does everyone know the plan?" Annabeth asked as the crew sat around the wooden table below deck. Papers of the city and the castle were thrown in every direction. Some full or empty rum bottles decorated the table. Percy had the castle map in his hand but was stealing glances at Annabeth. There was a familiar cut on her lip from Percy's teeth, which no one knew. Aside from that, there was a fire behind her stormy clouds of eyes and it had only gotten brighter the closer they got to Kretis.

Once the meeting was done, Percy caught Annabeths wrist before she left. Her gray eyes look up into his sea green "can we talk?" Percy asked looking around as the last of men filed out. The captain gave him a nod and went to the storage closet. Percy followed with a lantern. The light cast a glow upon the stacks of crates, illuminating Annabeths small figure perched on a box. Percy couldn't help his grin seeing her on the tall stack. When Annabeth noticed she smiled a rare shy smile.

"How's your lip?" He asked running a finger gently over the cut. "It's fine." She managed to say, blushing. "Is everything ready for tonight?" Percy plays with a strand of her hair thinking about their steamy scene yesterday night. A blush of his own crept to his cheeks. Annabeth nods letting her skin brush his hand. She seemed more relax around him ever since they entered the city. Currently their ship was hidden in an unguarded dock on the west side of the kingdom. "The plan is set, all we need is to 'receive'," A fire played in her eyes at that idea. "Our invitations."

"Jason are you sure this looks right?" Percy asked fidgeting in his royal dress clothes. Night had fallen over Kretis and the grand palace lit up the night sky. Word of the Kings ball tonight ran through the kingdom. Tonight everyone, worthy of an invitation, cast away their money on fine gowns and suits for the festivities. While the ball played out at the palace, people of the kingdom would celebrate in the streets with music and dancing. Jason and Leo were helping Percy into his coat trying, and failing, not to laugh. "Stop moving!" Leo gave Percy a swat on his head.

Jason finished buttoning the dark blue coat, making sure the sleeves covered his pirate brand. "Just relax. The captain is going with you. We will come when we get the signal, so don't worry." Jason assured him as they finished. "Remember only Annabeth has a weapon and its hidden. They will most likely search you, not her." Percy managed a nervous nod. Him and Annabeth would be entering the palace while the crew stayed in he city waiting for their signal. "Are you sure they won't recognize us?" Percy runs a hand through his dark hair.

Jason and Leo groan "for the final time it's a masquerade. You will be hidden behind your mask. And you certainly don't look like a pirate dressed like that." Percy cast a glance down at his fancy clothes. "Where did you guys get these anyway?" Leo smirked on his hammock. "We acquire many things traveling the sea." Jason's laugh was cut off by the door opening. "Don't laugh. And that's an order."

Annabeth stood in the doorway and Percy took one look at her and felt his jaw drop. She was wrapped in a silk red ball gown with subtle gold detail. Her golden locks were pinned up exposing her bare throat. A gold chain glittered at the base of her throat and the locket, Percy noticed, disappeared below the neckline of the gown. It seemed the three men had forgotten how to speak and we're just staring.

Annabeth just looked bored and slightly uncomfortable in the low neck gown. In her hand was a gold mask and what looked like papers. "We've got our invitations. Courtesy of our friends from..." She reads the invitation. "The Indian seas. Let's go Percy. Here." She tossed him a silver colored mask. "It's starting soon."

Both masked, Annabeth held Percy's arm as he escorted her through the gates. The palace was before them glowing with festivities. By her grip on his arm, Percy could tell something was wrong as they got closer. Annabeth had hidden her dagger in the corset of her dress, out of sight. Percy's breath caught the moment they entered the doors of the castle. It was magnificent with polished ivory floors that seemed to reflect the fine art and statues lining the walls. People were making their way to the grand ball room where lovely music escaped. The palace was easily the most beautiful place Percy has ever been in.

Annabeth didn't seem wowed. "It's not all that." She whispered keeping her posture perfect. For a pirate, Annabeth had perfect manners and seemed proper. Percy tried not to laugh. They had almost made it to the ballroom when a two guards rushed toward them yelling. "Stop!"

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