Chapter Twenty

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After a long while the dark subsided and Percy opened his eyes groaning. The back of his head ached like someone had taken a hammer to it. He was laying on a hard cold stone floor that was caked with dust and mud. The castle cells. There was a window on the wall pressed against Percy's back and with one look out he froze. First thing he noticed was they were in a very high tower, but the second thing below them was a noose being set up. The king was planning on hanging them.

Cold Panic took over Percy when he realized Annabeth wasn't with him. All he could remember was Annabeth calling out his name before the guard knocked him out from behind. Touching the spot behind his head, he groaned again and managed to push himself up into a sitting position. Through the throbbing of his head, he heard shuffling somewhere close. It could have been an oncoming guard so Percy moved quickly to find a weapon. A nice large rock would do the trick. He heard the noise again and raised it when the voice came.

"P-Percy?" It was faint and weak but Percy knew that angelic voice anywhere. It was the voice that called him seaweed brain and it was the voice that barked out orders to the crew. Annabeth. He dropped the rock in pure relief she was still alive. As quickly as he could he went to the side of the cell which seemed to connect with another. Only a row of bars diving them. He brushed away the dirt from his eyes and saw Annabeth. She was chained to the wall with her arms above her head. The once beautiful red gown was now in tatters. Her hair had come loose and it looked like she had the beginning of a black eye over her right. Percy's fists clenched aching to hurt the people that did this to her. Her father no doubt.

He could hear Annabeth whisper something else, his name again. "I'm here wise girl." Annabeths cell was much smaller than Percy's, to the point where if he reached his hand out he could possibly touch her. Reaching through the bars he pushed his arm through as far as it could go and he felt his fingertips brush annabeths soft cheek. For a moment her eyes closed and she leaned into his touch. Then she seemed to remember herself and pulled away looking scared. "I thought they had killed you." She whispered.

Percy pulled his arm back and looked at his captain. It made him ache to see her chained up and hurt. "You can't get rid of me that easily wise girl." He saw her body tremble. He thought back to the ball. "Annabeth, why did you get so frightened when I admitted I love you?" He asked gently, only to see her squeeze her eyes shut. Anytime he had been with Annabeth it was always like she had been holding something back. Holding herself back. He studied her now patiently waiting for an answer that he hoped would come. When it didn't be began to replay anything Annabeth has said to him, trying to connect the pieces. Finally something clicked. Licking his dry lips he spoke finally "is this about your curse?" That got a reaction out of her. She sadly nodded her head.
His eyes began to glaze as more blood weeped from the dagger. Annabeth was frozen in fear. "I curse you." The old man from the pub hissed. "Your love only causes destruction. Your heart is just as dark as your father's. It's why the moment your birth mother gazed upon you she ran in fear. Your father made sure about that when he marked you." The man said with a voice sharp as knifes."Anyone you loves will die until this dagger, which you've used to take another life, pierces your father or your own heart." With a blood splattering cough, the man collapsed, dead.
When Annabeth finished she looked utterly broken and exhausted. Percy could only stare wide eyed. He could remember the man from the pub clear as day. He could remember how He had affected Annabeth after that. She had never been the same after that. Marked her... The brand on her back. It all made sense now. Why she had isolated herself. Why she had came here. Why she was so scared to be loved. She was scared Percy would die because of her. Before he even noticed Annabeth has gone limp from exhaustion. He could see her chest rising and falling.

Out of desperation to get to her, Percy began clawing and digging at the rock around the bars hoping to breath them free. Soon his fingers were raw and bloodied but the bars bent under his strength and came free. Never doubt a pirate. He crawled from his cell into hers and began working on her chains. By some miracle he broke them from the wall and Annabeth collapsed into his waiting arms. She made a soft groan like noise in her sleep but remained unconscious.

Percy made quick work of his dark blue coat and wrapped it around his sleeping captain. He settled against the wall with Annabeth cradled in his strong arms. She seemed to melt into his chest. It was like she belonged there. Percy could feel her warmth and smell the fresh scent of the sea lingering in her soft hair. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt his wise girl again so he tightened his arms protectively around her. Annabeth didn't seem to mind. She just dozed in his chest occasionally nuzzling his shirt in her sleep. His fingers gently stroked her golden locks as he gazed at her. She had no idea how beautiful she was. Percy would die protecting her. She was his wise girl and he was her seaweed brain.

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