Chapter Three

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Percy spent the next day asleep in the hammock. His mind began to wander back to being in the ocean when he heard the most heavenly voice he had ever experienced. "Lost at sea" she whispered as her honey sweet voice drifted through his ears. For a moment he almost believed he felt his hair being stroked. Just a simple brush against his hair. But when he forced his eyes open he found himself alone. That voice. That was the voice of an angel, Percy was sure.

At first light, he forced his lead heavy limbs to move, he pulled on the new clothes. A cream colored shirt, brown trousers, a brown strip of cloth to hold his sword and pants, and finally a pair of dark brown boots. Work clothes. These fit just as his old clothes had. His chest was exposed but he didn't mind. Working on the sea created a fantastic breeze of salt and air.

Percy found himself on deck while pirates moved around him, rigging sails and tying knots that would hold even in the strongest winds. Percy knee those knots by heart. Leo was high up at the top of the sail detangling a few ropes. He looked the size of bird from where he stood. Percy managed to catch a glimpse of Nico, he was pale with dark hair, and scrubbing the deck along with another guy. Was that Will? There was so many names to remember. Frank was reading over a map at a table while Jason was at the helm. His hands gripped the ships wheel. Each crew member had their place and now Percy was apart of it.

"Fine day at sea if I do say so myself." Jason announce when Percy walked up to him. There was a faint scar on Jason's lip. Percy was curious to where it came from. The life of pirates consisted of scars, in more ways than one. The sun was high in the sky, casting rays of light upon the beautifully crafted mahogany vessel. The sailor nodded in approval. "Aye, what is it you can do aboard a ship Perseus?" Jason asked glancing at him.

Straightening his shoulders his black hair flew around his face in the breeze. "I know everything about a ship and the sea. I was taught from a young age by my father. I know every knot and command involved with a ship." Percy felt pride of the knowledge he possessed. Working on a ship, especially a pirate ship required much skill. Earning a nod of approval from Jason. Percy decided to ask about the captain again. Jason's scarred lips formed a smirk.

"You'll meet the captain soon. Patience Perseus. Now the crew members are setting up for a meal. Join them and eat. You'll need your strength back for where we're going." His hands turned the wheel 90 degrees to the right and the ship followed his command. The seas lapping at the sides of the magnificently crafted ship. The mist of the salty waters washed over the men, making them all remember why they first fell in love with the sea.

"Where are we headed? And call me Percy." Again a nod from Jason. The crew members finished their posts and made their way below deck for food. Leo called for Percy to follow. Leaving Percy to wonder about that eye patch, which he learned was fake at dinner, but Leo thought it made him look tough so he kept it.

"Our course is set for Kretis." Percy's sea green eyes almost popped out of his head. Kretis was one of the twelve cities. The most important one and most famous. It was home to King Amadeus, the richest King of all the lands and sea. The way to Kretis was very dangerous, filled with monsters and sea demons. Don't forget other pirates. The length, would take maybe a month, that is if the winds favored the men.

"Why would we be headed there?" Percy asked over coming his shock. Jason only shook his head. Leo's voice called for Percy again. With a nudge from Jason, Percy went belong deck and joined the crew for the meal.

Sunset was approaching and Percy was working on deck, when he felt the tides change. The Argo ll rocked and jerked violently. Cold water washed over the side, drenching the men immediately. They had entered the Sea of Monsters. The most dangerous waters every sailed. "Crew to your posts!" Jason commanded as the waters became more violent. Men scrambled to get to their posts and tie themselves down, same as in a storm. A storm would he welcomed right now. Percy and Leo abandoned the helm and rushed to their stations when a scream cut through the air. The entire left side of the ship jerked into the water and Nico was sucked out and into the dark waters.

The boat steadied again but the tides were moving fast. Percy has heard of the legend of the seas when first entering the Sea of Monsters. Many men lost their lives in these tides. Motto mention the creatures that inhabited the water. Men shouted "man overboard!" But Percy wasn't listening. His hands grabbed a robe, quickly tied it to the mast of the helm and to his leg. "Perseus what are you-" Leo couldn't finished because Percy dove into the sea.

The sea was cold. Just like Percy had remembered. His arms and legs moved as fast as he could through the current. Nico was in sight, but getting farther and farther away. Percy prayed his rope was long enough. When his lungs felt like they would burst, he finally felt his arms wrapped around Nicos limp body. He was unconscious from hitting his head but alive. Grabbing onto the rope Percy struggled against the rough current and yanked three times. Pray to the gods someone understood.

Someone did. Will, who had been watching since the moment Nico's hand slipped fro his and into the water, did. "Heave!" Frank, Leo, Jason, and more crew members  pulled the rope and harder and harder. "There they are!" Will called from the helm where he was standing. "Pull harder!" Jason and his team obeyed. Soon they hoisted the two men onto deck. As soon as they flopped onto the desk, their chests heaves for air and worked to expel the water from their lungs. Leo rushed to untie Percy's hand which now has a nasty rope mark marking his skin. Nico seemed to regain consciousness and pushed his wet hair out of his eyes. Will was at Nico's side in a second. Tangled in Percy's black hair was seaweed.

The crew rushed around to get towels and fresh water, when the sound of boots descending the wooden steps silenced them. "Now which one of you is Perseus and dove over board?" The captain asked as Percy looked up. His breath hitched.

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