Chapter Nineteen

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"Hello Father." Annabeth said in the sweetest voice she had. Her lips were stilled curled into a smirk as the Kings eyes widen and his face paled. Percy was frozen in his spot beside Annabeth staring at her. The king was her father? The music and all talk had ceased and now all eyes were on them. The guards were frozen waiting for their order from their King. The fire behind Annabeths gray eyes were fierce. This was what she wanted. This was her plan. She stood fully again with her head high.

"This extravagant celebration could not be for your only daughter's homecoming, I assure you. What a shame you didn't invite us. As you can see, my crew and I clean up very nicely. We pirates know how to party. But you wouldn't want to draw attention to me, would you father? You wouldn't want to acknowledge the fact to your oh so loyal subjects, that the great King Amadeus has a daughter that's a pirate. Not only a pirate but captains the most feared ship in all of the seven seas. My crew and I upon the Argo ll are not to be taken lightly." Some people gasped in fear and backed away. The Kings eyes remained on annabeth. "Some who live to tell the tale call us monsters. Others more terrifying names. It's because of you father. You made me this way. You're a vile despicable heartless bastard, one who deserves to rot in the Davy Jones' locker. Listen well people of Kretis, anger King Amadeus and it's your life on the chopping block. And believe me he would loose no sleep at night killing you all."

At Annabeth's words the guests began backing away, not only from Annabeth but the King as well. "Enough! Guards! Seize her!" King Amadeus growled slamming his fist onto this throne, startling the already frightened queen. The guards were fast forward into motion, weapons raised, straight at Annabeth.

The next scenes went by in a blur. Annabeth, Percy, and most of the guests ran out the doors. There was screaming in every direction when Percy felt annabeths hand slip from his own. Before everything went dark the last thing Percy could remember was annabeths voice calling out his name.

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