Chapter Seven

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"You know, the sun loved the moon so much, he died every night so she could breathe" Percy whispered to the unconscious Annabeth. Her hair was damp from the washing he had given it. The blood was finally gone from the golden locks and the large gash on her forehead was stitched up. "My mother would tell me that before I went to sleep each night." He dipped his hands in the bucket to rinse off the blood.

"A strange thing to tell a child." Annabeth's weak and soft voice filled his ears. Almost falling on his stool in surprise, he looked at the captain. Her eyes were slivers of gray. Her skin fair and soft, he could remember. She had a hand place upon the bandage on her temple. The pirate couldn't help but chuckle. "When I was a boy I cried once the sun went down, because it was an end to a day of my playing."

A smile hinted at her pink lips. "You, sailor, confuse me." Percy stood and bowed "me job is done milady." He joked with a grin. Annabeth rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like 'seaweed brain'. Percy's smile fades when he witnessed her try to sit up. "Captain no. You need rest. The crew has gone ashore to make repairs." He urged seeing her pale face.

"It is my ship and my voyage." She stands and tied her hair back. Percy watched knowing not to argue, she could probably Judo flip him in a second. Annabeth straightened and asked, "Where is my hat?"

Crash! Break! Glass shot all around them as Percy and Annabeth walked into the pub. Annabeth still looked a little unsteady on her feet but Percy didn't comment. Jason and Leo were on a table with bottles of rum in their hands. They had only been docked for a day for repairs and this is what happens to the men. Their arms were around each other as they sing, very loud and off key, "Yo Ho! A pirates life for me! Shiver me timbers Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A pirates life for me!" Frank, Nico, Will, and the rest of the crew watched with amused smirks. Jason and Leo swayed on the table as other pirates cheered them on.

Very scared, Percy takes a step away from Annabeth, who looked furious. Her gray eyes were color of a thunder storm. "Crew!" She called with a stern voice. All heads turned to the two. "Ayyyyyyyeeeee look it Perseus!" Leo called drunkenly "captain! Ahoy!" Jason slurred. Percy looked at Annabeth in an attempt to help her. She didn't look at him.

"First mate Jason ! Crew mate Leo ! Get back to the ship this instant!" Nico and Frank rushed to help them off the table, but it was too late. Both Leo and Jason had fallen of the table onto the sticky floor. Laughter echoed through the pub as the pirates were pulled to their feet and out. Annabeth sighed and takes a drink of rum, clearly needing it. "Back to the ship-" she began but was cut off when the sounds of a fight exploded from outside the door.

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