Chapter Fifteen

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Today the crew was quiet. Annabeth had finished telling them about what happened in the sirens den, minus the kiss. Percy sat and listened with the others not remembering a thing. Their course was back on track and they were a week away from Kretis. A week away from King Amadeus.

During Percy's turn at night watch he found Annabeth sitting on the helm with her feet dangling. The sun had set and the diamond of stars were out. "You think we'll be able to see Aquarius from here? Or Orion's Belt?" Percy asked sitting beside the captain. The dark masked annabeths smile and blush "you've studied constellations. And I don't know about Aquarius but there's Capricorn."

She was right. Annabeth was always right. Hanging above them in the night sky was diamond tear drops in the pattern of the constellation Capricorn. The stars were so clear at sea, the water even mirrored their beauty. Percy smiled and cast a glance at Annabeth who was rubbing her locket. "Are you alright captain?"

"Perseus, how do you feel about me?" Her voice was quiet. Percy froze utterly speechless. "I ask because when you heard the sirens you kissed me." If it was possible for Percy to turn the color of his insides, he did. His checks blazed with heat in a major blush. Annabeth continued staring out at the water. She looked so isolated and alone sitting up here. Like cut of from the world forced to live in her own.

Percy's hand touched her chin and gently tilts her head to his side. "I feel for you very deeply captain." Hearing that Annabeths eyes closed and a gently sigh brushed Percy's fingers. With not having to worry about the men seeing, he leaned in and his lips touched hers in a soft kiss. Annabeths eyes widen in shock and Percy could feel it against her soft supple lips. She pulled back a slight distance.

"Percy we can't." Her voice was hushed in a whisper but her eyes were hooded. She looked up at him through her dark lashes. "I don't care." He replied and his lips claimed hers in another kiss. Percy could feel Annabeth give in as her lips began to respond with his own. Their lips moved together like a perfect match. Percy's large but soft hand cupped Annabeths pale cheek. Her skin was soft as silk to the touch. The captains hand rested on his forearm above his trident tattoo.

Soon Annabeth pulled back with flushed cheeks. Percy blinked and cast his gaze upon her. "We can't-" Percy silenced her with another kiss, which Annabeth melted into moving her hands to his chest. "No one has to know captain." He mumbled against her feather soft lips. At that moment Annabeth forgot all what was bad and got lost in the kiss of Percy Jackson under the stars.

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