Chapter Nine

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The next few days had been battle with sea demon after another. They were back in the Sea of Monsters. The necessary repairs had been made. The moment they had stepped back onto the ship, Annabeth locked herself in her quarters, never to be seen again. Jason had tried to get her to open the door but she refused. No one knew what the attacker had said to her, but it clearly affected her.

The sun had long set and the inky blue sky was dotted with millions of diamond stars. The ships crew was all asleep aside from Percy, who sat on the helm, illuminated by the orange glow of the lantern. The sea was surprisingly calm and as dark as the sky. Almost like a mirror. With a bottle in his hand, he took a long swig of fresh water, quenching his thirst. It was Percy's turn on watch, when he heard the sound.

It was a soft sound, almost so soft it was lost among the waves. Straining  his ears, he heard the door creak open and the soft sound of footsteps. Boots, heeled boots. That only meant one thing. Annabeth. Percy's entire body wakes at the thought of her. The once sleepiness was gone once he pictured those gray eyes and blonde hair. His thoughts halted once he realized the way he was thinking about the captain.

The sounds got closer, growing in volume. Quickly he dimmed the lantern and melted into the shadows. Annabeth came into view and began climbing up the mast. Her blonde hair was free down her back as she climbed. It swayed like light in the moonlight. Percy watched from his hiding place. What was she doing? His eyes traveled to the top and he smiled.

Annabeth reached the top of the mast and looked out over the ocean. "A late night climb captain?" A familiar voice asked and Annabeth yanked the gold dagger from her belt. She turned to see Percy holding up his hands in surrender. "No don't kill me. I have so much to live for." He said dramatically. Annabeth rolled her eyes and tried to hide her smile. Maybe his head was full of seaweed. "I could ask the same to you."

Both taking a seat on the sails mast, their booted feet hung  over the edge. Percy was watching her, searching for any detail on what caused her disappearance. A thought crossed his mind, everyone only cared about what the man said to her, but did anyone care about her? "What are you thinking?" Percy asked as he uncorked his bottle and offered it to her.

After a long sip, Annabeth looked back over the black moonlight waters "we will be approaching the island of Circe soon. We must be very careful." Her voice was somewhat distant. Percy wished to touch her arm and comfort her, but she would probably judo flip him off the mast, so he remained still.

"The crew is prepared for any challenges that come our way captain." He said with a certain pride for being apart of this crew. They had become his family. He received a nod from Annabeth as she took another sip of water. "I could use some rum." She mumbled. Percy smirked and produces a small leather pouch from his belt. "Your wish is my command my captain." Annabeth laughed. An actual laugh, which caused Percy to grin.

The pouch went back and forth between them until the rum was burning in their stomachs. Annabeth could be seen physically relax. A comforting buzz hummed through their bodies allowing the troubles of the voyage to fade away for a moment. Percy and Annabeth chatted casually on the mast about past voyages. Annabeth was recounting when her crew and her went up against Blackbeard. Percy listened, completely fascinated by annabeths strategies and intelligence.

Percy could tell Annabeth felt pride toward her leadership as captain. He smiled, "no wonder you're captain, no one is more deserving of it than you." He reached to the empty pouch and their hands touched. Percy could feel the softness of her warm skin. Blushing he pulled back. Annabeth didn't seem to notice, her eyes slightly glazed over, clearly deep in thought.

"Annabeth...what did the man say to you before he died?" Percy spoke the words slowly, worried how she would react. Her reaction shocked him. Annabeth threw her head back and laughed "can you believe him?" Her laugh fills the sky. "Saying I was poisoned! Ha! No wonder he cursed me." Her body leaned against the mast as she laughed. Percy's sea green eyes widen. Cursed?

"What do you mean cursed?" He asked, the buzz of her laugh and rum gone. But he was too late. Annabeth was asleep against the mahogany wood of the mast. With great care, Percy carried Annabeth into her cabin. Gently laying her down, he took her boots off and pulled the blankets over her. All the signs of stress and worry, that seemed to always be present on her face, disappeared leaving her looking peaceful and vulnerable. Percy couldn't help but think she looked beautiful.

With a gentle hand, he brushed away a blonde curl from her flawless face, his finger brushing her cheek. Her skin was so soft and pale in the moonlight, seeping in front her glass window. "Goodnight Captain." He whispered "sweet dreams wise girl."

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