Chapter Ten

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"Perseus" annabeths angelic voice whispered as her lips travel from his ear down his jaw to his neck. His lips parted a soft moan or chuckle, not sure which, escaped. Her lips were feather soft and warmed his skin where they touched. Annabeth was against him as he leaned on the mast. The sun had set and crew had gone to bed. Her lips continued their journey down his neck, as his hand tangled in her silky soft blonde hair "oh wise girl." He moaned softly.

A sudden wave of cold forced Percy to shoot up, awake, in his dripping wet hammock. Jason stood a foot away from him, a bucket in hand, and the rest of the crew was laughing. "Who's wise girl?" Jason inquired with a smirk, dropping the bucket. Percy shivered in his wet clothes. "What?" He asked pushing away his soaked black hair.

Grabbing a pillow, Jason clutched it to his chest and moaned "oh wise girl". Percy's sea green eyes widen once he realized he spoke out loud in his sleep. And not only that, but he was dreaming about Annabeth. The captain! And she was kissing him. All the crews eyes were on him. "So who is this wise girl you're dreaming about? A girl from home? A one time in a bar?" Leo grinned that impish grin.

Percy was in shock, he had dreamed of Annabeth and...liked it. What was going on with him? Percy only managed to shake his head. The men rolled their eyes, clearly annoyed they didn't get an answer to Percy's fantasy girl. "You gotta tell us mate." Will said pulling his boots on. Before Percy could answer, a voice beat him to it.

"Land Ho! All hands on deck! The Island of Circe approaches. Men to your stations." It was Annabeth above deck. There was a rush of men pulling on boots, getting out of hammocks, grabbing weapons, and running up the stairs. Percy pulled on some dry clothes and puts his sword on his bed. How could he face seeing Annabeth after his dream? What did this mean for him? Did he have feelings for Annabeth ?

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