Chapter Thirteen

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Percy stood dripping wet at the captains door. 3 days had passed from annabeths confession and each of those they had a sea monster attack the ship. This time, Percy had been pulled over board. In the water, he managed to kill it but found something of interest.

After the third knock, the door creaked open and Percy saw Annabeth standing there. Her hair was down around her shoulders and her clothes looked wrinkled. He must have woken her. She had dark circles under her storm cloud eyes of hers. When she saw Percy, confusion set it.

"Should I ask why you are dripping wet or why you are standing here first seaweed brain?" Annabeth rubbed her eyes briefly. He had woken her. Peering past her Percy could see the view of the captains quarters. A full bed with blood red duvet and cream sheets. It had been recently slept it. Book shelves lined with books in all languages and sizes. A table sat beside the bed a few feet away. Maps and papers were sprawled across it. What fascinated Percy most, was the constellation map on her wall. It was yellowing at the edges from time, but it was hand drawn to detail of the night sky. The constellations glittered like diamond among the drawling.

Annabeth took notice to his staring and opened the door to let him in. "Exquisite isn't it?" She walked over to her collection of maps and drawings on the wall. "This was given to me by a pirate I met while sailing the Indian oceans. All hand drawn and mapped to perfection." She looked at in admiration as Percy took a step closer. She had many things on her walls. A beautifully done owl sketch was pinned by her bed.

"An owl?" Wise just like Annabeth. She nods "we come across many things when sailing across the sea Perseus." Percy looked around her room. It seemed to fit her. Books, maps, drawings, everything fit this wise girl.

"Now can I ask why you are dripping water onto my floor?" Her arms crossed against her V neck blouse and Percy had to look away to hide his blush. "I was pulled over board in a monster attack. We killed it and the ship is fine. But when I was under I found something." Reading into his soaked pocket, he pulled out a gold chain with a smooth circle pendant hanging from it. The locket was gold like the chain and had an inscription inside it.

Annabeth tilted her head making her blonde curls spill over her delicate shoulder. Confusion played at annabeths soft features. Percy opened the locket. In cursive, engraved into the gold was 'In quo primum illud erat amor in mare'

"Latin" Percy and Annabeth together. Annabeth looked up at Percy as he swallowed and pushed his hair from his sea green eyes. "Anyway..I thought you would like it. It's not like I can wear it." He nervously chuckles. He was always nervous around Annabeth.

Her eyes seemed to soften into liquid silver at that. She was being given a gift. "Oh, thank you Perseus." Percy took that as his cue. Without managing to slip, he moved around her and unclasped the chain. Seeing what was being done, Annabeth moved her hair out of the way. As he placed the necklace around her neck, Percy noticed something peeking out from the collar of her blouse. Before he could get a better look, Annabeth dropped her hair back into place.

The locket nuzzled between her chest comfortably cool to the touch. "Thank you, it's lovely." Percy grinned in success. Somewhere in the distance Jason was calling for the crew. Percy saluted Annabeth earning an eye roll.
"Ma'am. And please, call me Percy." He smiled and was gone.

Annabeth couldn't help but smile at the silliness of Percy Jackson. She cast a glance at her Locket's inscription. "My first love was the sea." Annabeths smile fades as her mind begins to work. She stepped to her table and sits down. Their course was mapped out in front of her. The kingdom of Kretis would soon be in reach. But before they could get there, they had another obstacle.
The Sirens Den.

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