Chapter One

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The crystal clear waters of the sea had turned dark once the storm had come and passed. Every time the burned board of wood would bob up and down, the water would splash his unconscious face. It was cold. Cold and salty.

"Man over board!" A deep far away voice called as a large ship, with cream colored sails began its journey closer. Soon he felt his body lift from the water and laid on a wooden floor.

Men crowded around watching as he awoke and weakly coughed up sea water. His dark hair was matted to his face, from the sea. His green eyes cracked open allowing the light of the sun entrance into his vision, warming his face.

"Ay what's your name sailor?" A man, a few years older than him, asked. A sword was strapped to his hip. The sun shines off his blonde hair almost blinding the man laying before him.

"Give 'em some room to breath Jason." A boy behind the blond, Jason, said. He had an eyepatch over his left eye and a curly brown hair. His skin was incredibly tan and wore a smile of mischief. A smile that could get anyone into trouble with one curl of his lips.

Licking his dry and cracked lips before he spoke and managed to get out, "P- Perseus. Perseus Jackson."
With another mischievous smile the eye patch said, "Well Perseus, I'm Leo and welcome to the Argo ll." Leo, also, had a sword strapped to his back. In fact, every man surrounding him was armed with some type of weapon.

Perseus, or Percy as he liked to be called, could see on every man, the letter 'P' burned into arms or chests, just like the one hidden by his Trident tattoo on his arm, which was close to his wrist. Each letter marked them for what they were, Pirates.

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