Chapter Eight

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The first thing Percy felt was the force of the punch to his jaw. It was hard enough to send him stumbling back. The entire crew of the Argo ll was mixed with figures in black clothes. "Perseus." Annabeth gasped taking a step back to avoid a sword. It sliced one of the long feathers on her hat. The red feather fell to the ground and pure rage filled Annabeth's stormy gray eyes. "No one touches my hat!"

Flashes of silver surrounded Percy. Sounds of metal on metal rang in his ears. The crew, including the captain, were fighting for their lives right outside a ratty pub. Percy jumped to his feet to defend Annabeth's blind side, as a hatted figure advanced on her. "Oye! No one touches her!" He lunged into the chaos.

Clank! All swords fell to the ground and all eyes turned to Annabeth. Her dagger was sunk hilt deep into a large mans chest. He must have been the leader of the attackers because all eyes were wide. Annabeth exhaled as her blonde hair tumbled free. Blood seeped through the mans leather coat. Percy saw the mans eyes locked dead with Annabeth's.

"You steal from whom ever you wish. You, captain, kill without remorse. You're heart is as dark and dead as Davy Jones' locker. You, dear captain, are a poison, infecting everyone you encounter. A plague forced upon your crew." His bloody hand gripped Annabeth's thin wrist. "You try to pretend you are capable of love when you are only capable of destruction." He pulled Annabeth closer. Her eyes widen as he spoke his last dying words into her ear.

He collapsed to the ground leaving Annabeth standing there. Everyone was still. Annabeth stood like a statue with blood splatter on her cheek and a bloody dagger in her hand. The man's followers had disappeared leaving the crew of the Argo ll. No one dared to move, but Percy took a step to Annabeth. A black bruise was already forming on her pale skin, encircling her wrist. Percy touched her shoulder and spoke, breaking the glass like silence. "Annabeth..."

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