Chapter Eleven

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Annabeth and her crew, swords and weapons in hands, venture down the dock onto Circe's Island. Annabeth was in front and Percy was beside Jason, with the crew following behind. "Search for supplies and remember be alert, stay with your partner." The captain called. Seeing as Percy was the last to join the crew he didn't have a crew mate as a partner.

"Perseus, you can search with me." Annabeth said as the groups split up. Percy gulped at her words but walked over to her. Her eyes and hair was hidden away by her feathered hat. The memory of her and her lips on his neck snuck up on him. He quickly shakes it off, blushing. Annabeth cast a glance at him and her eyes widen. "Percy!" She called before everything went dark.

Slits of sunlight cut into Percy's eyes causing a groan to escape his lip. Blinking the sunlight out, Percy rolled onto his side. A surge of pain shot through his body. His head ached like a nasty hangover. More groaning caught his hazy attention and he looked over to see the crew tied up. He shot up and groaned in pain. His hands were wrapped in rope. What happened? All he could remember was annabeths worried face. Her wide gray eyes and parted pink lips. Wait where is she?

His sea green eyes darted amongst the men searching for their captain. She wasn't here. All the men were starting to regain consciousness and were sitting up. Jason rubbed his head "is everyone alright?" He asked and got a chorus of groans as replies. They all seemed to realize their missing captain.

Before anyone could speak the door at the end of the room opened and sunlight seeped into the darkness, illuminating the men. Standing there, shadowed by the light, was a girl with long blonde curls. She wore what looked like a white dress. Percy managed to get to his feet and stared at the girl. Squinting at the light, Percy asked "Annabeth?"

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