If I Could Turn Back

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Splat...I felt the skull crush under the weight of my shovel. "Fucker...stay down" I yelled as I spit onto the groaning body of what used to be my science teacher. I looked over to Levi who was crouching down behind her desk which was only splinters and a metal frame by now. "Levi, Shes dead..get up." But I saw in his eyes he wasn't going to move from that spot. Coward...always has...always will be...I pulled the shovel out watching the blood drip from the blade, I liked the feel of the warm wood against my hands and the feeling of I can kill so many with this. But as I turned around Mrs. Feeble pushed the door open grabbing Levi's throat, I swung the shovel and it stuck fast into her skull. She let out a groan collapsing, her claws dug into Levi's neck...He was dead. I pulled the shovel out again looking out the door, one way had broken glass and another teacher from the french department crawling around his lower half burnt off. The other way had another teacher eating one of the bodies of a dead student. "Fucking aye..." I slipped out, my sneakers slapping on the tile kicking the french teacher aside. I glanced down the stairs seeing a blood trail from him and grinned. Why did he want up here so bad? I was answered when I saw a pile of bodies from a class down the hall, their uniforms that were once white now red with blood. Two teachers one from P.E and the other from health chewed on their bones with a snap here and there. I quickly went down the stairs hearing more walking of the shuffling bastards behind me. I jumped down the last flight smashing a window, I turned seeing a fat one raking his way towards me, his jaw hung loose against his chest and spots of his head was bald his eyes stared at me like an animal as he made is way closer. I climbed out grabbing my shovel jabbing it right through his neck making his head roll to the side. This was a video game...and I just won the first map.

Hey Guys Im Looking Into adding more people in this story from wattpad so If you want in mail me Okie? Bye ^-^

Hey guys, don't know if you knew this or not but I am working on three other books right now so go check it out.

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