Trying To Move On

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     I woke up early the next morning. It was only six and my class didn't even start until eight. I rolled onto my side, staring at my peacefully sleeping sister. She had no idea the sort of feelings and thoughts I was having about her husband. I closed my eyes tight. No, this is the exact opposite of not thinking about Jamie. I sighed and silently wiggled out of her bed. Maybe a run would help clear my thoughts a little, let out some of this aggression. I tiptoed to my room, being as quiet as possible as I slipped on a pair of black athletic shorts with a black sports bra and a grey zip up athletic jacket. I did my best to not make a sound as I headed for the front door. I wasn't sure where Jamie was, if he was sleeping in the living room or if he had chosen the guest bedroom and I did not want to wake him. I sighed in relief when I shut the front door, locking it before turning around. I noticed a dark figure jogging their way up the circle drive in the submerging sun. It was Jamie. He had on a pair of black sweats with a grey zip up hoodie, the hood up. 

     He stopped in front of me, I was in somewhat of shock. Frozen before him. He pulled his hood down, taking the white headphones out of his ears. His face and hair were damp with sweat, his breath loud and hard next to me. "Good morning Jessica." he finally said, a smirk creeping onto his face. "Hi." I managed to say. I turned my attention to my phone, plugging my own headphones into the top and wiggling them into my ears. "I didn't know you were a runner." he said to me, his hands on his hips now as he tried to steady his breathing. "Sometimes I am." I answered him, forcing myself to look anywhere but at him. Just the way he was standing sent tingles to every hidden spot on my body. "Do you have class this morning?" he asked and I finally looked at him. "Yeah, at eight. What time do you have to be at work?" this whole small talk thing wasn't really working. I twisted my hands together to keep my mind occupied. "Seven, I better hop in the shower. Enjoy your run." he nodded to me and quickly disappeared into the house. I exhaled once he was gone, turning the volume up on my headphones and taking off down the driveway. 

     I fumbled into my room just after Jamie and Tisha both had left for work. They caught me at the end of the driveway, both waving at me as I jogged towards the house. I flopped down at my desk, opening my laptop to check my e-mails. I hadn't heard from Josie since California. I'd sent her an e-mail last night and was hoping she'd gotten back to me. I opened my email account to find one new message from her. 

To: Jess

From: Josie

Time: 12:30am

I miss you already too! I can't believe you're not still here with me! I'm not coming back till close to Christmas as far as I know, I wish you would have just stayed. I know you have school though. I can't believe your sister got married and didn't tell you! That seriously blows my mind! I wish you were here or I was there! When do you have to go back to work?

     I started typing her back immediately, my heart racing. I had so much I needed and wanted to tell her. 

To: Josie

From: Jess

Time: 6:57am

Josie I'm dying here without you! I have so much I need to tell you! This guy that my sister married, Jamie...I don't know. There's something about him....get back to me as soon as possible! I go back to work today, luckily it's a short shift. 12-4 :) Miss and love you!

     I sighed at my computer after clicking send. Normally I would just text her but I had too much I needed to say for that. I needed a full keyboard to fully express myself. A loud ping startled me, snapping me back to my computer. Josie had already e-mailed me back. 

To: Jess

From: Josie

Time: 7:02am

Jess! We finally meet up at the same time! Is this something good or bad about Jamie? 

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