But I'll Soon Forget The Color Of Your Eyes And You'll Forget Mine

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But I'll Soon Forget The Color Of Your Eyes And You'll Forget Mine

She's leaving. She's leaving me again. Alone. With them. I understand completely why she's leaving me to fend for myself once again, hell, if I had the option I would leave too. But that's the thing, I don't have the option, I never did. What the fuck am I going to do? She was the only thing here keeping me sane, and now she's leaving once again without a second's thought. She was one of the two things keeping me from committing, I could never forgive myself if I let her find my cold lifeless corpse pooling in my own blood, the only other would be my handful of friends who care about me dearly. But is that enough to save me from myself? I'm scared of the answer, honestly. Almost as scared as you should be for my life, it's in my hands and I could so easily take my entire bottle of Zoloft, and never see the suns ever so shining rays. If you don't understand what's going on please go back and read part one again, it should help, if you're still confused comment.

I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket-Pierce The Veil

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