I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret

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I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret

My parents are all strung out on coke again. Yet again, I'm stuck up here pretending I don't suspect a thing; that I don't know anything about there dirty little secret. So little he knows, so little he sees. I'm sorry, I had to make that les miserables reference, it was the perfect opportunity. I grow tired of this directionless bullshit. The same routine every single day. Wake up, get dressed, get yelled at for not being ready fast enough, trudge through classes filled with people I hate, have an awkward lunch with Brooke, Bridgette, and Bridgette's boyfriend, Conrad, more classes, bus ride home, then my personal favorite, walking home with my music blaring so loud that I can't hear anything but lyrics, it's the only time I feel peace, do my chores, get yelled at, eat my dinner, contemplate throwing it all back up, sit bored on the couch trying to tune everything including my own thoughts, finally exhausted, I go to sleep, only to start the same boring routine the next morning. It really is the American dream isn't it?

Dirty little Secret The All American Rejects

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