-Chapter 14- Betrayed?

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"Ah, dang it. Frost! Answer your phone!" I groaned while I paced through the living room of my dorm. My oh-so-friendly roommate glanced weirdly at me while she raised her eyebrow at me.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped at her. Yes, I was done trying to be nice. No matter what I did she would never talk to me. I don't know what her problem is but just looking at her made me miss Elsa more. Nowadays I hung a lot with Merida, she missed Anna a lot.

Speaking of the devil, Merida barged into my dorm. And I stopped trying to call Jack. I just wanted to know how things were going in New York, if Pitch had caused any damage yet.

"Aye," she said to my roommate, I didn't know her name. The girl just walked past Merida and dissapeared into her room, Elsa's old room.

"What's her problem?" Merida asked.

"I have no idea." I said loud enough for her to hear. No response.

I plopped myself down on the couch and sighed. Merida did the same.

"Rough day?" Merida asked.

"Tell me about it." I sighed. "I can't reach Jack and Elsa. I haven't talked to her in days."

"Let's meet up with the Arendelle sisters in spring break! We can all stay in meh mansion. Meh parents are going on a trip then and they'll take meh brothers with them."

"That sounds wonderful! Thanks, Mer. I'll text Anna right away, she usually replies faster then Elsa." I smiled while I got my phone out of my pocket and I sent Anna a message.

"So what should we do?" Merida asked while she leaned forward to get the remote and she turned on the TV.

"Uh, we could go shopping?" I wondered out loud.

"Ay was hoping ye'd know meh better than that." she said while she grimaced.

"Right, you hate that." I chuckled while I remembered that time that her mom made her wear a tight light blue dress with some golden features. Elsa and I absolutely loved the dress while Merida hated it. She really is the most tomboyish girl I know.


"Please tell me we're almost there." I panted. "Does the air seem a bit thin to you up here?" I asked.

"Anna, you're standing on top of a dumpster." Elsa sighed while she started to climb up the fire escape ladders of an old building.

"Why don't we just follow these alleys?" I asked while I followed her.

"We are. Just from a safer distance." Elsa said.

I don't understand how people like Jack could live in these alleys. There was garbage everywhere which created an awful smell and ofcourse rats!

"Are we almost there?" I asked her again since she didn't answer me last time.

"Yes, now keep it down." Elsa whispered and she pointed at a building in the distance. I read the sign which said 'Neptunis' fish factory'. It seemed abandoned.

"It's the hide out of the boogey men group." Elsa whispered.

"What's the plan?"

"You stay here and you warn me if anyone comes near. I'm going to take a look to see if Jack is indeed here. If I'm not back within 30 minutes, you need to get help. Understood?" Elsa explained. I nodded and I pulled her in for a hug.

"Please be careful." I whispered.

"I will." she pulled away from the hug and ruffled her hand through my bangs. She smiled at me and then she walked towards the fish factory.

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