Answers To Your Questions (Took me months to finally make this sorry (╥_╥)

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Yes. It's been months. Since I told y'all to ask questions and like a forgetful idiot I forgot to make this part ;-; But the wait is over!

Anyways, on with the answers to your questions!

Immymonkey1 asked: Firstly, congrats on 1000 votes! Second, is Yuuma going to be a side character or will he he in the story more? :3

Thank you! And Yuuma isn't just a side character, he will be in the story more later more!

VOCALOIDFNA asked: Who started the Agency in the first place?

The person who started the agency is Miku.

Inokori_Sora asked: Congratulation! And entering this book in the Watty is a good idea ^-^

And I have question. Well, I've ask this before but here it comes. What is Kaito's and Miku's talent?

First of all, thank you! Second of all, Kaito and Miku's talent is being smart, which is why they're the leaders of the agency. (I hope this answer made sense :v)

Sukikmu asked: Are Meiko and Mikuo a ship? And why didn't u complete Gumi's past?

I will try to make Meiko and Mikuo a ship ^w^ and I kind of wanted to leave Gumi's past like a cliffhanger... But I might change that later on, but it's not certain that I will.

That is all of the questions I got. :v If you have some more, Go ahead and ask in the comments below!


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