Chapter 22

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It's finally time, it's been 9 months, they will be born any day now. I can't wait. "Hey babe I'm going to hang with a couple of friends, I'll see you soon" taylor said Kissing my lips and walking out of the house.

I sat down at the table and scrolled through Twitter and saw a couple of people saying "Tay+ Milena"

Was taylor cheating on me?, is he actually hanging out with his friends? Dose he not love me anymore? Was he lying to be all this time? All these thoughts pop into my mind. If he's cheating on me, our relationship would be over. I can't have him in my life if he is.

To taylor- hey theirs something going around on Twitter saying taylor+Milena. Are you cheating on me?

I closed my phone and waited for him to reply but he didn't.

I got up and felt a pain on my stomach. I look down and see water. my water broke.

"Shit" I mumbled. I grabbed my phone and texted taylor.

To taylor- babe my water broke. Please answer me.

After 25 minutes of waiting I called rose.

"Hey rose my water broke can you come and bring me to the hospital please", "hey sure I'll be their in 5 minutes", she said.

I hung up and started calling taylor, but he wouldn't answer me. Where is he? Is he regretting on being a father?

Minutes later I was in roses car. "Where's taylor?"? Rose asked. "I don't know. I called him texted him and he won't answer Me" I said while looking out the window.

When we got to the hospital I was in pain. So much pain that I started screaming my ass off.

"ROSE, I NEED TAYLOR" I screamed at her. She started Calling him but he
Wouldn't answer. "AHHHHHHHHH, IT HURTS LIKE FUCKING HELL", "I called all the guys they are coming to support you, okay" she said. I felt upset. Taylors not going to be here. I have my friends, but not him.

"okay your baby's are ready to come out, start pushing" the doctor said. "I can't, I have to wait for taylor" I managed to say. "The baby's can't wait sweetie you gotta push", "NO I NEED TAYLOR" I screamed.

Seconds later the guys ran into the room. "Where's taylor?" I said. They all looked at each other and didn't respond. "Okay only one person in the room", the doctor said. "I'll stay" I heard my moms voice. She walked beside me and hugged me. "Okay then l, everyone else out", the doctor said.

"Alright, you gotta push alright", I look at my mom and she nods her head. I started pushing, and screaming at the same time. Seconds later one of them are out. "The baby boys out, now it's time for your baby girl", said the doctor. I started pushing again, and seconds later my baby girl was out.

"Okay get some rest, when you wake up they will be next to you" my mom said. I smile and fall into a deep sleep.


I was so wasted right now, I just had like 24 shots, and I can't even stand up. "Dude you got so many calls and texts" my friend Dillon said. I got up to look at them but it was to late, I passed out on the floor.


I woke up to my baby boy and baby girl next to be in a see through crib. "Taylor look at our ba-", before I finished I saw taylor not around. Taylor wasn't here for their births. He won't answer calls or texts.

I started to tear up. I tried to hold them
In but it was to hard. I started crying. "Hey don't cry" I heard a voice. I look up and see everyone. "Taylor didn't come" I managed to say in between sniffs.


it's one week with no taylor anywhere.

I'm in my room sleeping, cause I'm tired. I was up all night. Taking care of 2 baby's on my own is hard.


I woke up on the floor. "Shit what time is it?", I said getting up. "Well you were past out for a week, so I have no idea" said Dillion. I walk over to my phone and see more then 100 missed calls and text messages from everyone.

I open my phone and see a few messages from Riley.

From Riley- babe my water broke, please answer me.

From Riley - your such a dick. You get me pregnant you lie to me saying you love me, and never show up for your children's birth, you never show up for me. Don't come back to me cause we are over, and your never going to see
Your children.

My eyes were ready to break into tears I'm so stupid.

I run out of the house and started driving home. When I got their I started banging on the door.

Minutes later the door opened. I saw Riley. She looked sad, upset, tired. I felt like shit just looking at her.


I woke up to banging on the door. I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a water and started walking towards the door. When I opened it I couldn't believe my eyes.

"what the fuck do you want taylor" was all I managed to let out. "Babe I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I got so drunk that I passed out for a week. I feel like shit that I missed our children's Birth" he said.


Seconds later I heard running coming down stairs. "if I new you were going to give birth I wouldn't have went off with my friends and drank so much. Cause I love you and our children" he said. I felt tears going down my cheek. I ran up to my room and saw Aqua awake in her crib. I picked her up and laid on the bed next to her. Seconds later miles started crying, and then Aqua started crying.

I picked both of them up and started rocking them back and forth but it didn't help. "Let me help" I heard taylor say. I turn around and see him with puffy eyes.

I handed him Aqua, and she stopped crying. And then miles stopped crying. I laid miles in his crib and taylor did the same for Aqua.

"I'm sorry" he said. I looked at him and started crying. he ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged back and started crying in his shoulder. I got on own knee and smiled at me. "What are you doing?", I said confused. "Riley Ashton, i love you with all my heart, and I'm not good with speeches so I'm going to get to the point. Will you Mary me", he said pulling out a beautiful ring.

I smile and slam my lips on to his. "Yes", I said. He smiled and started kissing my lips repeatedly.

"IM GETTING MARRIED" taylor screamed, causing the baby's to wake up, and everyone running into the room.

End of chapter 22

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