Chapter 17

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We were at the beach. I was waring my 2 piece black bikini. "Wanna build a castle with me" I heard a little girls voice. I look up since I was laying down and saw a blond 5 or 6 year old girl. "I would love to" I said with a smile.

I sat up and started building the castle with her. "Where's your mommy" I asked. "She's over their smoking with those men", I look at where she was pointing and saw a lady with tattoos, who looked like a drug addict. "She doesn't really care about me. She hits me a lot when she's drunk" She said. I felt a tear coming down my cheek. "I won't let her do that to you anymore okay Sweetheart, I'll call some people and They will bring to a better home" I said with a half smile. Her eyes widen and she hugs me. "Thank you" she whispered. After that I felt her getting yanked out of my arms.

"Don't touch strangers you little slut. Come your coming with me" her mother said. It reminded me like my farther. "Don't you dare talk to her like that. She's not going anywhere with you" I said grabbing her daughters hand. "Let go of her before I call the cops" she said. "I'll be the one calling them for you abusing your daughter" I said feeling anger rush all through my body.

"you little slut your telling strangers. Wait until you get home" she started yelling at her. "She's not going any where with you" I snapped at her.


Me and the guys were swimming when we saw Riley screaming at some lady about the 5 year old girl.

Me and the guys ran over to her and saw her pulling the girl away from the woman. "What's going on" I asked. "This woman doesn't take care of her daughter. She's a drunk or abuses this wonderful little girl" Riley said.

Riley took out her phone and started calling someone.

Rileys POV

I was calling the police, I couldn't let this girl be abused. "Hello my names Riley Ashton and I found a girl who's 5 years old, and her mother is a total drunk who abuses this girl", "okay their mam, we are sending a police over to get the little girl, don't let the little girl go with her mother"

I hang up the phone and see the mother very mad. "Looks like your daughters are going with the police" I said with a smirk. The girl runs into my arms and hugs me. "Alright then let them take her, like I would care" she said walking off.

After about 5 minutes the cops showed up. They took the little girl to an adoption home.

"I'm gonna tan again" I said. I laid on the towel and closed my eyes.

"You slut, why the fuck are you Evan in this world. I don't love you, no one loves, you. Your a worthless piece of trash and you know it" my father yelled at me. "Daddy your drunk again" I said. "Your 6 and I'm 35 I can be drunk if I want to" he said smacking me in the face. I fall to the ground and hear the door open. "Get out, I don't wanna see you again. Get out of this house" my mom yelled. He slapped her across the face causing her to hit her head against the table. She past out so I ran up to her. "This is all your fault, you know that right" my father said. I look at him and he's holding a knife. I scream so loud he stabbed me in the side of my stomach.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", "wake up, Riley wake up" I felt someone shaking me. I look up and see everyone around me. "It was a dream babe, it's okay" tay said. I felt tears falling down to my cheek.

"The dream was about my father. The day my mom kicked him out, when she found him hitting me. So when she kicked him out he slapped her hard so she fell and her head hit the table causing her to pass out. But when he said it was all my fault he stabbed me on the side of my stomach" I said crying Evan more.

I looked at the mark on my stomach and rubbed it. "It wasn't a dream" I looked down. Taylor rubbed the tears off my cheek and hugged me. "It's okay. Your okay now" he said comforting me. I smile and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I think we should go for Starbucks" carter said. We all agreed and started making our way to Starbucks. When we got their I ordered a caramel frappe.

"Yayyyyyy starbucks" mahogany said jumping up and down. We all laughed and started making our way back to the hotel. "Hey Riley I heard you can sing, maybe we can sing together" Shawn said. "Who told you I can sing cause I haven't sang In forever" I said. "Well you did, right now" he smirked. I giggled and continued drinking my Starbucks.

When we got to the hotel I changed into my joggers with a tank top, and fell asleep.


I woke up to all the boys gone. I got up and started walking to the washroom
Until someone pushed me against the wall. "Shawn what are you doing" I said trying to get out of his grip. "You have to be mine. Break up with taylor" he said. "What?, no Shawn get off me", "you won't break up with him then I have to do something else little mama" he said smirking.

He through me on the bed, and started taking off my clothes. "Shawn stop please, get of-f me" I said about to cry. "And why would I do that" he said
With a giggle. He stripped off my
Clothes only leaving me in my underwear and bra. "HELPPPPP" I screamed crying.


Everyone went for a drink except Shawn and Riley cause they were sleeping. While we were walking at the hall way we heard screams saying help. "Dude that sounds like Riley" Matt said. We all look at each other and run into the hotel room to see Shawn on top of Riley. Riley was crying and was only in her bra and underwear.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed. I ran over to Shawn and pulled him off of her. I started punching him until everyone was pulling me off of him.


I went under the covers and started crying. I was about to be raped I thought to myself. The police came into the room and room Shawn away. And Bart kicked Shawn out of Magcon.

Taylor ran over to Me. I hugged him and started crying on his shoulder. "He was going to rape me" I whispered to him. He wrapped his arms tighter around me and kissed my cheek. "I won't let anyone hurt you" he said.

End of chapter 17

The bad boy || T.C Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin