Chapter 19

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Today me and rose have to go back home. I'm gonna miss these guys. I can't wait till they all come back home in 1 month.

"Bye guys" I said hugging them all one by one. When I landed on taylor I kissed his soft lips and hugged him tightly. "Bye, love you" he said smiling. "I love you too, babe" When we said our goodbyes me and rose walked into the plain.

"So you never told me what you named the twins" she said exited. "The boys name is miles and the girls name is Aqua" I smile and lay my head on her shoulder. "Great names, little mama" she said causing me to laugh. "Shit
I never told my mom I was pregnant" I said looking worried. "Well shit", rose

"When I get back home I'm going to tell her right away before I get in shit", I said.

After plane ride

After the plain ride we walked over to our suit cases and grabbed our luggage. We walked out of the airport and saw my mom parked on her phone. I walked into the car and hugged her. Rose went with her mother, if your wondering. "Hi mom, missed you" I said hugging her tightly. "I missed you to. Now tell me what has been going on so far", she said starting the car. "Um well 1 month ago and a week, I got pregnant. And I'm having twins. One boy names miles and one girl named Aqua" I said hoping she wouldn't scream.

"Well congratulations baby. Your growing up so fast" she said smiling. Well this went better then I thought. "I'll take you to your apartment. I bought you new food and I bought you a present" she said smiling.

When we got to my apartment I opened the door and saw a baby golden retriever. "Oh mom you got me a puppy" I said hugging her. "Theirs more" she said smiling. I followed her into one of the extra rooms and saw 2 cribs, it was filled with baby supplies. It was a nursery. "Mom how, I just told you" I said in shocked.

"Rose called me" she said with a giggle. I ran into her arms and hugged her. "I love you mama" I said. "I love you to baby. I'm sorry I kicked you out for your farther", she kissed me cheek. "Don't worry mommy" I said smiling.

"Well I should go home. Love you" she said walking out of my apartment.

I walked into my room and started unpacking my clothes. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Taylor.

From Taylor- hey baby, hope you got in okay. I love you. Keep our baby's safe k. I can't wait to be back for sure. I miss you already😭 see you soon love😘

To Taylor- I will babe. I love you too😘 can't wait for you to be back. Just one more month babe. I love you💖

I closed my phone and laid on my bed playing with my stomach. "Just 8 months" I whispered.

*ring* ring*

I look at my phone and saw Cameron was calling me.

"Hey Cammy bear What's up", I heard
Sniffs coming from the end of the
Phone. "Ugh, taylor was in a very bad car accident. He might not make it", I felt like my world just got shattered in thousand pieces.

I hung up the phone and drove as fast as I can to the airport. I didn't even care I didn't have any clothes with me.

When I got to the airport I bought
A ticket and rushed into the plain with my dog. "This is going to be a long 2 Hours on this stupid plain", I mumbled.

*2 hours later*

The plain finally has landed. I Took the very first cab I saw. "Angels west hospital. Hurry", he started driving and
It was so slow. "Any faster. My boyfriend may not make it. I have to be their for him"I said getting annoyed. "the hospitals only 5 minutes away. You can walk if your not like the traffic" he said.

I got out off the car and started running. Yes running. The love of my life needs me most their.

I ran into the hospital and saw all the boys laughing and talking. Even taylor was there. "What the actual fuck" I said walking up to them. "Hey babe" he said. They all laughed and looked at me.

"I took a plain here, that I didn't even pack any of my clothes. I took a taxi that was driving so slow so I ran my ass all the way here, and your standing right there" I said in a angry voice. "Well we missed you the couple hours you left, so we thought why not trick you into coming" Jack g said. "Oh. My. God. Alright then, you couldn't have just called me. I fucking ran. Yea I ran here", they all started laughing again.

"Well we didn't bring you here cause we missed you. We wanted to ask you if you wanted to move in with us at our mansion. Everyone world have their own rooms. Their would be rooms for the twins, and when we have children their would be extra rooms for them, each room has their own washrooms. Their is a huge kitchen, basement. Swimming pool. And their is Evan
A beach in front of the house" Nash said. "Um yea, that would be awesome", I said smiling.

"Well you move In today. Your moms packing all your stuff for you, so in 5 hours your mom is going to be here with your stuff" taylor said smiling. I hug him and kiss his lips.

"Well let's go then. Oh and this is my dog willow, it's a dude", I said. They smile and started playing with him.

We hopped into the car and started making our way. I was really exited. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my
Life with these guys.

End of chapter 19

Yayyyyyy here come chapter 20 now.

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