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C H A P T E R 17

"Hey Aberforth, can I take a walk in the park for a bit?" Samantha asked her guardian Aberforth Dumbledore who was currently sitting in his chair reading the Daily Prophet.

Aberforth was off today from his pub The Hogs Head and decided to spend the day reading and relaxing. His tabby cat Ari was sitting on his lap and snuggling up to his chest.

He looked up at her and thought for a moment, thinking about what happened last year, how she could have joined Harry in the trapdoor. Her eyes were full of hope. Hope that he would let her go out of the house. She was very selective about when to ask him and it was currently halfway through the summer, almost at the end of July. 

His thoughts went to Ariana once again and decided to let her go, knowing she was cooped up in the house for the past month. Aberforth had taken the liberty to get her new school supplies from Diagon Alley, since he acquired the list from Albus the first week of holiday and knew she had read each book more than once. He was proud that she kept busy by doing her homework instead of her practical jokes that Minerva told him all about at the end of the year.

"Ok, but take a short one. Be home in thirty minutes," he stated giving a small sigh.

Samantha almost jumped in the air. She went up to him and hugged him, thanking him for letting her get some fresh air. Aberforth told her to take her wand just in case, even though she couldn't use any magic outside of school but you never know.

'Just in case you encounter any Muggle boys,' he thought shamelessly thinking back to that dreadful day.

Samantha reminded him of Ariana so much. She had the same charisma and at a young age, the same love for magic. Ariana had so much potential and had a bright future. He felt he wanted to keep Samantha from as much harm as he could so she could have the same bright future. She was already someone who went through a lot, seeing her parents die and watch Voldemort encounter Harry.

He knew he couldn't protect her at Hogwarts. He had to trust her to not do anything stupid and Aberforth had hoped he had prepared her for what could come at Hogwarts. Aberforth knew James and Lily and their friends from a few visits to the Hogs Head. The Three Broomsticks became crowded a lot during trips to Hogsmeade so during that time he really got to know a few Hogwarts students who came regularly. The more popular ones included James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. He really loved those boys because they were extremely funny and very intelligent.

When he heard about what happened to James and Lily, he was distraught. Why did that have to happen to two of the most nicest and caring people he has ever met? Albus brought Samantha to his doorstep and he was beyond shocked. First and foremost that Albus had thought of him. He thought that he would choose their good friend Remus Lupin. Remus was very responsible and logical.

Maybe Albus wanted to give back to what happened to Ariana and try again with Samantha. However, in most aspects, Samantha is very different than Ariana. She was a lot like her father. Same brown hair and hazel eyes. When she was jovial they were warm, lively, and sparkled with mirth. When she was downcast they seemed to grow dim and dark. The smooth brown on the edge contrasted beautifully with the  light amber color in the middle.

Same nose and facial expressions. And of course, the same personality. Aberforth hated that she had a knack for trouble. He remembers the many tales of pranks James and his friends pulled during his time at Hogwarts. Though he was pleased to say that Samantha inherited her mother's kindness and logic.

He thought about these things a lot as he watched her grow up. He watched her grab her wand and leave the house without him. He didn't want to let go, but he knew he had too or he might push her away.

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