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Marcus looked in between Samantha and the window, not sure what she meant. "What do you mean?"

"Come on," Samantha said, starting to pack up her stuff. She shoved pieces of parchment and quills into her back without cleaning off the ink. Her school bag was truly a disaster but this was the last thing on her mind, even though a simple Evanesco would solve it.

"What? Why?"

"Just follow me."

Marcus started to pack up his things and him and Samantha left the library. "Where are we going?" he asked as they descended the marble staircase.

"The Forbidden Forest."

Marcus froze and Samantha stopped to look back at him. "W-what? W-why?" he stuttered.

"To see if there are any dragons hidden there. The first task is only three days away. If dragons are the first task then they would be here already and the forest is the only place where students wouldn't go," she explained and continued down the stairs. Well, students except her, the twins, and the trio.

Marcus had no choice but to follow. "This isn't a good idea," he said as Samantha continued.

She laughed. "Come on Marcus, be a Gryffindor for the night. Take risks, live a little."

He chuckled. "No, I think I'd rather curl up like a snake."

"Just come on, don't deny this could be cool. I'm just going to go without you then," she said and turned again.

That got his attention. He couldn't let her go alone. If it was dragons, then it would be dangerous. Marcus caught up with her and fell into step beside her. "Fine, but what are we going to do? Search the whole forest?"

Samantha thought for moment. "We can go one way and cast a spell."

"Isn't the forest dangerous?"

"Not really, I know some of the centaurs if we need help. Plus I may have a source who knows an acromantula."

Marcus cocked an eyebrow. "A what?"

"A really big spider," Samantha answered and they crept out of the castle. The sky was almost pitch black and there were a few clouds in the sky.

They reached the edge and Samantha shrunk her and Marcus' school bags. "Let's go," she said and they entered.

Marcus had never been in the forest before and he soon figured out why. There was barely any light and hard to walk through. He casted Lumos and they found a path to follow.

"Homenum Revelio," Samantha said and flicked her wrist. The spell was used to reveal a nearby human presence. Samantha didn't know how far the spell traveled but it was worth a shot. If there were dragons present, then there had to be dozens of wizards.

A few gold sparks flew out of her wand and then proceeded to the direction left of them. "Come on," Samantha said and they followed the gold sparks.

They continued to follow the sparks for who knows how long. The path was thinning and more and more trees were making it harder to walk.

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