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"Wait, you did what?" Fred spoke as the group met up for dinner.

"Yeah, repeat that," George added, his eyes wide with shock. Lee, Angelina, and Alicia were too surprised to speak so they just sat there with gobsmacked expressions.

"I broke up with Marcus."

"Why?" Alicia asked very slowly.

Samantha told them about Marcus being a spy and then dove into a shortened version of what her and Harry spoke about this morning.

"Wow," Angelina breathed. "So he knew?"

Samantha nodded slowly. "Since Christmas break."

Fred clenched his teeth and curled his fists. "I knew it. That no good, rotten slimy snake--"

"Fred--" Samantha started. She knew this would be the reaction of Fred Weasley.

"Now I'm not going to say I told you so, Samantha, but this was coming. Just a matter of time before that filthy scum broke your heart," Fred spat. " we should've never trusted him. He's been phony since day one. I'm going to hex him into--"

George cut in. "Fred, stop. I understand your care for Samantha, we all do, but she can handle herself and do what she needs to do. She knows we'll support her if she wants it."

Samantha gave George a thank you look. "I very much appreciate all of your support and you better believe I will call on you all if I need some back up. It was something I didn't want to do but I had to."

"Right," Alicia replied. "Clearly the timing is not right and clearly your relationship could've caused problems for the future and what's to come."

"If anything, what Marcus said was that his being used as a pawn to get to me was inevitable, and he didn't want to but he had to. Maybe after the war is over...when this nonsense is done with and we don't have to pick sides," Samantha spoke with a sigh. She then added two more scoops of mac and cheese on her plate. Right now she needed some comfort food to heal her broken heart.

"Absolutely not," Fred quipped. "If he can't show his loyalty and where his true intentions lie now, then there's no way he can after all of this is over. I'm sorry, Samantha, I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I agree with Fred," Angelina added. "You can do way better than him. You DESERVE way better than him."

"At least pretty boy Diggory didn't keep secrets from you," Fred said, his eyes lingering to the Hufflepuff table.

Samantha rolled her eyes. "No need to remind me that my secret keeping ruined that relationship."

"I'm merely saying, I will support your decision in the end, but it's going to take a lot to convince me that you should go back with Marcus. I'll fight tooth and nail to show you that there's someone out there who's better for you that doesn't come with filthy baggage and toxicity."

"Same here, Samantha," Angelina continued. "You know you're my best friend, but leave Marcus behind. Time to move on. You're at the center of all of this and you're going to need someone you can rely on and trust. Definitely not always wondering what his real intentions are or what true motive he has."

Samantha nodded slowly at Fred and Angelina's words. She took in all of their opinions and rubbed her eyes in distress.

"So this means you're back on the market," Lee chimed in lightheartedly, wanting to change the subject. "Once all of Hogwarts catches wind, there will be a line of men wanting to crack on you."

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