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C H A P T E R 20

"So here it is. Flesh Eating Slug Repellent," Samantha announced as the three went up to the twins' room to sort out what they got.

"Excellent," they chorused together and placed it in their desk drawer for safe keeping just in case anyone came into their room. Their mother would curse them into an oblivion if she found out they had that in their room.

"Samantha, do you have any room in your trunk?" George asked slowly.

"Yeah, because we're going to need it," Fred added looking sheepishly at all of the ingredients they got.

Samantha sighed at the two and then opened her trunk to see if she could fit in some bottles or maybe even the slug repellent. She folded her clothes that Mrs. Weasley had just washed and layed them neatly on one side of her trunk. Placing her books on the other side, she had room for her broomstick and some of what Fred and George got.

"So are you going to start experimenting now?" she asked noticing how the twins were grouping the ingredients together.

"Yes, we want to get right on it just in case we have to come back for Christmas to get more supplies," George answered checking names off of his list.

She raised an eyebrow. The twins were being really ambitious and on point with this and it was really shocking her. The only things they really cared about were pranks and Quidditch, and family of course. Samantha saw the drive and passion in their blue eyes and smiled at how much this meant to them. She always knew they weren't going to take the Ministry path so she was happy to know they now had a future planned out.

"More supplies? Wow, you guys really are committed to this," she said smiling.

They both nodded furiously at her statement and started throwing their school books sloppily into their trunk like they didn't mean anything.

Samantha sighed. "Guys, you do realize we have OWLs next year," she pointed out sitting on Fred's bed.

"And we will worry about those next year," Fred answered smirking.

"Alright, but just know-" Samantha started.

"That you will stay up all night with us to study," George finished giving her a cheeky grin.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You've done it the past three years with us for exams," Fred stated and then George nodded in agreement.

"Because I know your mum would kill you if you didn't pass them," Samantha concluded giving them a look.

They both gulped and their ears tuned the infamous Weasley red.

"So have you started the History of Magic homework?" Fred asked trying to hide his desperation since school was starting back up in two weeks and knew with the new influx of ingredients him and George would be spending all their time focused on that.

Samantha groaned and rolled her eyes. "That's the only class I didn't do,"

"You didn't finish?" George cut in.

"No. You two both know how much I hate that class and just barely get my homework in on time," she explained sighing.

"So when you stay up late, you're not planning pranks but finishing History of Magic homework?" Fred reciprocated.

She nodded grimly.

Fred and George grinned smugly. "Wicked. We actually finish our homework before you. How shocking,"

The Older Potter // HP Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now