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C H A P T E R  4

The bright sun shone through the windows and signaled as the next morning. The watery daylight pushed back at the darkened edges of dawn, reclaiming the colours of day that had been washed into grey by the moonlit night. The world came back like a freshly developed photograph, every colour bright and new.

The first day of term.

Up in the Third Year dormitories, Angelina Johnson woke up first, as usual, about an hour before they were to head down for breakfast and went to the bathroom to freshen up. She knew that Alicia and Samantha were definitely not morning people and waited until the absolute last minute to get ready for class, especially Samantha.

As Angelina left the bathroom, dressed and ready to go, the sun blazed through the window next to Alicia Spinnet and minutes later she woke up scratching her head and yawning many times. She grumpily rolled out of bed and dragged herself to the bathroom though stopping to glare at Angelina who was smirking and thanking that she was an early bird.

About ten minutes until it was time to leave, Samantha was still asleep. Alicia and Angelina glanced at each other and were whisper arguing about who was to wake her up. Waking up Samantha was like waking up a sleeping giant. Angelina and Alicia played a quick game of rock, paper, scissors, to decide who would wake her up and feel her first day of term wrath and Angelina lost, to her dismay.

After an angry glare to Alicia's smirk, Angelina tiptoed over to Samantha and started to lightly shake her awake.

Samantha started to stir and Angelina jolted back in an instant cringing with fear. She turned and raised her head, eyes fluttering open.

"S'morning already?" she mumbled lying on her back and wiping her messy curly brown hair out of her face.

"Yup and you have 7 minutes until breakfast," Angelina said softly.

Samantha sighed and sat up swinging her legs over the side of her bed. "Ok," she said simply and stood up. "I'll be out in 5,"

Samantha shook her hair out of her messy ponytail and made her way to the bathroom grabbing her uniform on her way. She was a person who liked to shower at night so she was already clean and ready to go. So she just needed to wash her face and brush her teeth and would be ready to go.

Angelina stood there dumbfounded. She looked behind her and saw Alicia with the same expression. For the past two years, Samantha has been a train wreck in the morning and now she seemed almost happy waking up. What is going on? She was never this happy to wake up for school, even if it was Hogwarts.

Five minutes later, Samantha emerged from the bathroom in her uniform, her tie hanging loose from her neck.

"Ready?" Angelina asked hoping Samantha's good mood was here to stay.

Samantha smiled and nodded. The three of them headed out of their dorm and down the spiral staircase. Reaching the Common Room they saw Fred, George, and Lee sitting by the fire.

They heard footsteps and turned. When they saw the girls, they got up and stood by the portrait hole ready to head down to breakfast.

"It's about time," Fred grinned staring at the girls knowing Angelina and Alicia would protest and blame Samantha for their lateness.

"Though I didn't hear any yelling," George added slowly turning his stare towards Samantha who looked as though she had been awake for hours. Her bright smile lit up the room and her sparkling eyes smiled along with her.

She rolled her eyes at him and shoved past him exiting through the portrait hole.

"Yeah, what's up Samantha? We usually have to drag you down to breakfast because you're so tired and grumpy," Lee asked as the group caught up with her.

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